Thursday, October 16, 2008

Barack Obama and Kenyan Socialist Presidential Candidate Raila Odinga

Long Version

Short Version - footage of Obama campaigning with Raila Odinga


Anonymous said...

Total BS. This kind of crap
is soooo expected and typical
of those bigoted and uneducated
and uninformed person...

Pastorius said...

What is crap? Was he there or not? Did he campaign for the socialist Raila Odinga, or not?

What is not true?

It would seem that your total disregard of particulars when you criticize another person would point to the fact that your are uninformed.

When you criticize a person, you ought to have specific things with which you disagree, and you ought to be able to point to contrary facts, in order to persuade the person that they are wrong and misinformed.

Get it?

Pastorius said...

That's how analysis works, my Anonymous friend.