Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Third Jihad: Zuhdi Jasser's New Film - 32 Minutes Streaming On Breitbart TV

Click here to watch The Third Jihad.


Citizen Warrior said...

Awesome. Thank you.

I've never heard of Breitbart TV.

Citizen Warrior said...

I'm about a third of the way through the movie, and it is well done, but it seems to give you the idea that the plans to overthrow the U.S. government and their efforts to blow things up have nothing to do with Islam. That seems like a fundamental mistake in understanding, although it may be the strongest level of truth most people can accept right now.

By violent and stealth jihad as "perversions" of Islam, you get the comforting feeling that those 1.3 billion Muslims in the world are not a threat. It's only a fraction of that number you need to worry about. That's easier to take.

And it is accurate, in a way. Probably most Muslims in the world aren't all that interested in jihad.

Anyway, I am going to go back to watching it.

Anonymous said...

Interesting perspective CW, I didn't watch it closely - too many distractions today . I 'll rewatch it and see if I pick up on that too.

Your perspective makes sense to me because I simply cannot bring myself to accept there is a moderate Islam. There is simply no possible moderation or acceptable context to Sura 9 among others.

Violent jihad is NO perversion of Islam . . .violent jihad is Islam Modus operandi.

Thanks for pointing this out.


Citizen Warrior said...

It shows a mother who has encouraged her sons to become suicide bombers, but it doesn't say why she would do that. Is it perhaps because of the Islamic teaching that a warrior who dies fighting for Islam not only goes straight to Paradise, but he can then beseech Allah directly on behalf of up to 70 of his relatives to get them into Paradise too?

The film seems to be restraining itself. Perhaps this is good. It is not overreaching the limits of the average person's ability to confront the horrifying reality of 1.3 billion people believing the teachings of the Qur'an.

Citizen Warrior said...

I really liked the last four minutes of the film.

It is worth sharing, especially with those people who know nothing about Islam and who are dedicated multiculturalists at heart.

I think it is clever to use a Muslim to narrate this film. A multiculturalist will fry some brain cells dealing with that. But those brain cells need to fry.

Damien said...


Very well done

Pastorius said...

I remember a year or two back, Pamela interviewed Zuhdi Jasser. If I remember correctly, she came away convinced he was not quite a real "moderate Muslim", whatever that is.

I don't remember the specifics, but it had something to do with his refusing to acknowledge Islamic anti-Semitism, I believe.

Damien said...


Well he's definitively doing something that will make the Islam-o-Fascists want to kill him. They don't like it when people expose them and their agenda.

Pastorius said...

Good point, Damien. I was only brining it up because CW is not the first anti-Jihad person who is a bit put off by Jasser.

I have never paid enough attention to the man to have an opinion one way or the other.

Anonymous said...

It's a video that would be useful as an introduction to the issue to people who are still clueless. But Jasser's remark about "the love of God" bothers me. Allah is a loving god to Muslims only, as the god of Jeremiah Wright and other black liberationist theology subscribers is a loving god to blacks only.

Anonymous said...

Jasser is another false-moderate propagandist who sets up a straw man called Islamism, where he lumps in all the unpleasant aspects of orthodox Islam, and relentlessly attacks the straw man. It's nothing but a red herring to divert attention from orthodox Islam. There is no Islamism, only Islam. Unfortunately, the film gives him a platform to sow mass confusion and trick its audience into further complacency and even a misguided desire to protect the "moderates." The people behind the film have made themselves willing tools of the Islamic propaganda Jihad to sow discord among infidels in Dar al-Harb. They betray the country's security for the sake of political correctness. Liars and traitors, all of them.

For anyone who happens to surf by and read this, the truthful film about Islam and Jihad that you should watch is Islam: What the West Needs to Know. Obssession and The Third Jihad are crocks of shit.

Damien said...


If his goal was to simply distract us from the unpleasantness of orthodox Islam, why is he revealing what CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood are up too? If I wanted to help in their cause of bringing about Sharia, why do things that would harm the cultural Jihad? Perhaps he really does reject the violent and hate filled teachings of the Koran, but accepts other, more pleasant parts, regardless of anything else.

Anonymous said...

I don't see it as harming the cultural Jihad. By casting hotheads, and operatives who have been been exposed and therefore no longer of value, out now and implying, as the film does, that there is some sort of ill-defined, mythical, lovey-dovey "moderate" Islam, attention is drawn away from the silent demographic Jihad, which is just another form of cultural Jihad.

Notice that Jasser actually used the Muslim Day parade in New York as an example of Muslim patriotism. Anyone who has seen video footage of that parade would get the real message that it was a march to celebrate and proclaim Allah's victory over conquered territory. They brought down the WTC towers in the dark heart of Zionist territory and they get to parade about it on the same ground. In the real world, it's called kicking sand in your face or rubbing salt in your wound, but it is explained away as Muslim patriotism in Jasser's twisted world view.

Damien said...

sell your country down the river for 30 praises of political correctness,

I don't find your argument convincing for one thing most people still don't see CAIR for what it is and I don't think that most people know about the Muslim Brotherhood. Also some of the Muslims in The Muslim Day parade did seem to be showing patriotism, even if others were showing the opposite. Besides, he pointed out that almost no other Muslims came to his Muslims Against Terrorism rally.

Citizen Warrior said...

I was thinking about this last night, and I thought, "Maybe we fail to grasp how disturbing the full picture really is. Maybe for someone who hasn't had their nose in it for years, it can be almost too much to confront."

So maybe we could and SHOULD help people confront it in stages. After they have bucked up to the first layer of reality, and once they have settled back down, you can then say, "I'm afraid that wasn't the worst of it..."

Anonymous said...


The question is this: Why is he still claiming to be one of them if he rejects Sharia? That's simply absurd. Islam is codified in Sharia and there is no theological basis for the exercising of free will in selectively rejecting Allah's eternal and immutable commands. If someone were to call himself a Nazi against Nazism, a Black Power member against Black pride, or a Red Guard against Maoism, you would think he is a clown and not to be taken seriously.

As for some in the Muslim Day parade who seem to show patriotism, so what? It's easy to double talk and spout sweet words of nothing, and, since lying to protect Islam is sanctioned in the doctrine of taqiyya, their claims of patriotism can never be trusted.

Damien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damien said...

sell your country down the river for 30 praises of political correctness,

Maybe he's so emotionally attached to his faith and so he can't bring himself to completely reject it, while at the same time he loves his freedom and has friends who are not Muslims. Besides CAIR has denounced Obsession and demanded that it not be shown, and they will probably do the same with the third Jihad. There is even a group called Muslims_Against_Sharia, and there is little reason to think that they are secretly Jihadists, because they expose Jihadists and they talk about abusing in Sharia that many people don't know about. Same with the third Jihad.

If I were a Jihadist this is not the way I would go about trying to fool the Infidels. I wouldn't expose my allies. You can argue that secularized Muslims are not being logically consistent by not rejecting Islam or embracing Jihad, but so what? I see little reason to think that Jasser or Muslims Against Sharia are secretly Jihadists.

Also those Muslims who seemed to show patriotism, if they were faking it, could have fooled him as well.

Anonymous said...

Muslims Against Sharia are another bunch of absurdist clowns. What's to stop future generations from rejecting the adulterated version of Islam and have a reformation back to pure, orthodox Islam? You're willing to let an entire nation permanently suffer the violent consequences of an endless cycle of unreformation and reformation of orthodox Islam? If they cannot solve this in the past 1400 years, why should anyone believe that they can do that now?

Damien said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Damien said...

Amish against pacifism,

I can tell that your name is supposed to be a sarcastic joke.

Its not a matter of me being willing to let future generations slip back to a violent, theocratic, fundamentalist Islam, I most certainly am not willing to let that happen if I can help it. Maybe Jesser and Muslims Against Sharia are not being logically consistent, but judging by their actions I don't think they are Jihadists, even cultural Jihadists. Should we not distinguish between genuine secularized Muslims who oppose Jihad and Sharia, and Jihadists, who dream of forcing the world to accept their fundamentalist faith?

By the way, I have no love for Islam, but those Muslims who genuinely reject the worst parts of the faith, should not be treated the same way we should treat, Jihadists. For one thing, we don't want to turn them into Jihadists.

Citizen Warrior said...

Damien said, "those Muslims who genuinely reject the worst parts of the faith should not be treated the same way we should treat Jihadists."

I agree. I think we can safely ignore them for now. They may or may not be lying about it. What we CAN do is support and encourage apostates.

And what we CAN do is educate our fellows about Islamic teachings. We're not rounding up Muslims and putting them in internment camps, so it doesn't really matter if they are "real" Muslims or not.

The question to ask about this film is: Can it help us get the word out? Would it help or hurt our cause to get people to see this film?

I have decided it could help our cause if we used it for certain people. I think people who might not sit through Islam: What the West Needs to Know, or who would reject Obsession as "racist" or "hate-filled" might sit through The Third Jihad and walk away with their mind partly opened. And that may be a gain that is good enough for now. It's better than nothing and it's way better than turning someone AGAINST this kind of information.

Damien said...

Citizen Warrior,

I agree

Anonymous said...

So, when there's a cockroach infestation in CW's house, he deals with it by yelling "Bad cockroaches! Bad cockroaches!" at them and then go give twice weelky professorial lectures to members of his family on how bad cockroaches are and all the nasty things they can bring, while letting them multiply unmolested in his house.

Citizen Warrior said...

Ah, Senior Cockroaches, you are a feisty one. I like that. You must be fairly new here or you wouldn't have said that about me. I forget we're getting new people all the time here and was sort of giving the condensed version.

Here's the longer version:

I believe the source of our problem is the terrifying brilliance of the Islamic memeplex, and strong measures must be taken on many fronts at once to stop it or it will consume the world.

We need to stop Muslims from immigrating into non-Muslim lands. We need to stop Saudi money from building new mosques and schools in non-Muslim lands and close down the ones already in existence. We need to seek out and kill known terrorist masterminds. We need to be strong, aggressive, and pre-emptive with Iran, Pakistan, Syria, and Saudi Arabia. We need to wean ourselves away from all Middle Eastern oil.

We need to arrest and deport imams in our countries who preach jihad. It is sedition. We need to aggressively and defiantly monitor every mosque within our borders to make sure no sedition is preached.

We need to stop making any more concessions to Islam.

All of these things are legal and political actions that cannot be done without a sufficient number of people in the non-Muslim countries understanding what Islam is, and what its political goals and methods are. That's why I am so strongly advocating the lectures on how bad cockroaches are. It's the first step of a long campaign.

I like your fighting spirit, Mr. Cockroaches. Do you have a suggestion for an action with more bite? We've got a couple of ongoing collections of recommended actions:

So What's the Cure?

Stop the Muslim Invasion

Please add to these two ongoing collections of recommendations. What we especially need are concrete, practical actions we (ordinary civilians) can take this week or this month. Come up with something effective, and you have a huge audience of action-oriented, willing listeners. Let's hear it.

Pastorius said...

You gotta appreciate the guys humorous approach.

By the way, when I have cockroaches in my house, I impale them on stakes in neatly organized rows.

Is there something wrong with me?

Pastorius said...

You gotta appreciate the guys humorous approach.

By the way, when I have cockroaches in my house, I impale them on stakes in neatly organized rows.

Is there something wrong with me?

Damien said...


Are you a Sadist?