Stella Rimington has condemned the politicisation of national security since she left the secret service.
A former head of MI5 today describes the response to the September 11 2001 attacks on the US as a "huge overreaction" and says the invasion of Iraq influenced young men inBritain who turned to terrorism.
In an interview with the Guardian, Stella Rimington calls al-Qaida's attack on the US
"another terrorist incident
" but not qualitatively different from any others.
"That's not how it struck me. I suppose I'd lived with terrorist events for a good part of my working life and this was as far as I was concerned another one," she says.
I've heard this same shit from my relatives in Britain. Many Brits are so wrapped up in themselves that they are completely incapable of seeing that 9/11 was "qualitatively different."
Brits are so wrapped up in feeling sorry for themselves because the IRA put some bombs in pubs that they can't see that this enemy really fucking wanted to kill as many Americans as they possibly could.
9/11 was an existential attack conducted by people whose only means to effect a real existential threat was to fly planes into buildings. But, the lesson to be learned, which many Brits miss, is that if the enemy chooses his biggest weapon, that means he will do whatever he can to kill as many of your people as possible.
If the Muslim fanatics had a nuclear weapon they would have used it.
But, maybe the reason the Brits are so god damned upset about the bombs-in-pubs routine is because when you blow up beer, it really does seem like an existential threat to Brits. So, maybe I've got this all wrong.
The Brits are all, like, "They blew up my bleeding porter, now what the fuck am I going to do? There's no reason to go on living, is there?"
Fucking stupid-assed Brits. Don't come around here with that shit. If you think getting your pub blown up is the same as having someone attempt to kill 100,000 of your fellow citizens in one feel swoop, then you can't see the difference between your ass and your elbow, and maybe you ought to start thinking about reapplying for membership in Western Civilization, because clearly, you don't belong here anymore.
Of course, you all are proving it with your fucking Sharia courts.
Women are only worth half that of men, right Brits?
My screams are going to be heard all the way to the West Coast. Listen for them.
Why? Did someone blog up your beer too?
Your comments should have been addressed to Stella Rimington and your relatives not us Brits in general. Your anger is justifiable but not directed at us the majority of Brits who were certainly very much on side.
In fact your post is overly abusive and obviously written in anger. I do hope there will be more thought in future as I do think you are wrong on this issue.
As for beer and pubs, forget it, that's a facile point. Most of us don't go to pubs anymore but remember this, the Brits have more genuine reason to resent American involvement in the IRA bombings, that is contribution of funds to what was a terrorist organisation.
Don't tell me they were freedom fighters either because anyone that thinks that doesn't understand the history. Next we'll be told that the Palestinians and Al-Quada are freedom fighters.
Yes Ray, it's written in anger.
I've heard the same shit from Brits quite often. The line about how you guys fought the IRA is completely empty.
Having heard it as many times as I have, I am very angry. It is a disgusting way to talk to us Americans.
Wouldn't you agree?
And, by the way, remember, I'm the guy who put up the post of the British Pub Comic having at it about the American Dream.
I can take being made fun of. That's fine.
But, this is way over the line. And, it is basically the line of the European ruling class, almost without fail.
If the people do not agree then they ought to stick up for America.
How about if you write a post about how you feel about the Rim-jobs post?
Does it insult you that she would speak to us like that?
If you're a human, then it ought to.
You might notice that I tend to stick up for people who are not Americans quite often.
And, it also might help you to understand two things about IBA;
1) we were started by me and two British guys (note that IBA's time is set to British time)
2) the original idea of IBA was that we're a bunch of guys hanging out in a Pub, drinking beers, cussing, making crude comments about Babes, and getting in the occasional row.
That's IBA.
Go ahead, and hit me back.
I think you will find that Stella Rimington is referring to the Iraq war when she talks about over reaction. And yes she was right. The Iraq war was nothing to do with 9/11 and al-Quada.
You should also remember the UK was very much on side, and I mean the population - apart from the Muslims - apart from the fact that more Brits died in the twin towers than have died due to Islamic bombers in the UK.
It's late I'm off.
(note that IBA's time is set to British time)-Pastorius
OH! SO THAT's WHY THE TIME IS SO VASTLY different! I knew it didn't coincide with your geographic location - so I was totally stumped as to the reason for the difference in time stamps.
The Iraq war was/is not directly related to 9/11. However, it is an extension of what we learned from the 9/11 attacks, which is that we can't trust Muslim countries with WMD.
We allowed Pakistan to go nuclear, and are in the midst of allowing both NoKo and Iran to go nuclear.
And, the whole world is against us bombing their facilities, right?
Really, Ray, what is wrong with the rest of the world that we don't have the political will behind us to torch the Iranian and NoKo facilities?
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