Thursday, December 18, 2008

Creeping Dhimmitude

Is anyone really surprised by this? Fitna inspires hate? Fitna exposes hate! Just like Obsession, both should be required viewing by all.

h/t Gateway Pundit

Radical Islamists Win!... Fitna Film Banned in Europe
Radical Islamists - 1
European Union - 0

Radical Islam won a major ruling this week. The European Union banned the screening of the movie Fitna on its premises.Radio Netherlands reported:

The European Parliament has banned the screening on its premises of the
anti-Islam movie Fitna. The maker of the film, Dutch right-wing MP and Freedom
Party leader Geert Wilders, reacted angrily, saying it was a sad day for

In a joint move, leaders of various blocs in the European Parliament
reinforced their earlier decision, taken in March, that they wouldn't allow the
movie to be shown, arguing that it incites hatred...

Fitna has already been shown in Jerusalem and New York, and will be soon in
the British upper house of parliament, the House of Lords. The film, a collage
of Islamic symbols, Qur'an quotes and news footage of terrorist attacks, has
also been seen by millions on the internet.


Damien said...

midnight rider,

Has the EU actually made Europe more pathetic? This is just one of the many arguments against censorship out their.

midnight rider said...

No, I think they've been pretty pathetic all along. They always seemed to have some type of old world snobbery, for lack of a better term, to them. Until, of course, they're in a bind then come to us calling for a bailout (popular word these days).

This time they'll come calling and I don't know if we'll have the will or ability to bail them out. By the time they realize how much trouble they're in it may be too late.

And yes, this is just another argument against censorship. The Jihad using any and all tools at their disposal.

Anonymous said...


midnight rider said...

Just so.

Damien said...


Unfortunately, when the Jihadists are through with them, it won't even be "rest in Peace," it will "rest in pieces." Those monsters will do all they can to destroy ever shred of infidel western culture.

midnight rider said...

Damien -- to finish your thought

"destroy every shred of Infidel Western culture" and establish the global Caliphate.

That so few get this amazes me.

If you didn't already and are so inclined, check out the links in the story directly abaove. This is what they want for the world.

AntiMullah has a number of links to videos, pictures and stories. Atrocities all. Makes any slasher flick look like Saturday morning Cartoons.

Anonymous said...

Creeping Dhimmitude?

no no

Galloping Jihad

Pastorius said...

I guess the European Parliament has admitted what we knew all along; that is, they are not adults capable of taking in information and making an informed decision about that information.

Well, at least they are aware of it, and admit it. That's step one.

Now, let's move on to step two; taking them out of power.

SamenoKami said...

It's about time they outlawed 'Fitna.' All that film has done is bring unwanted attention to the differences that exist among people as they group together for their perceived common good. 'Fitna' inflames hatred against people whose only crime is they are different. If anything in 'Fitna' were true, then the world would look for help against this 'monster' anywhere they could get it.

Epaminondas said...

The premises of the EU Parliament?

Who the eff cares?

They are complete bureaucratic weenies seeking to get around democratic limits anyway.

They are only very slightly less hideous than the UN

Pastorius said...

I can't figure out why other blogs are portraying this as a Europe-wide ban. Even Gateway Pundit is portraying it that way, but he links to the same story as MR did here.

Damien said...


You said,
I guess the European Parliament has admitted what we knew all along; that is, they are not adults capable of taking in information and making an informed decision about that information.

Well, at least they are aware of it, and admit it. That's step one.

Now, let's move on to step two; taking them out of power.

The only problem is, how, and we're not European, so even conservative Europeans might not like us noising into their government.

Anonymous said...

Ain't it time you good and gentle folks over across the pond put your boots on and put these power grubbing, culture destroying EU-nicks out with the trash?

jeppo said...

Pastorius wrote: Now, let's move on to step two; taking them out of power.

Exactly. This is what Wilders is trying to do by building a pan-European alliance of anti-Islamist political parties, including the Vlaams Belang, to contest the 2009 European parliamentary elections. These elections are a chance for ordinary people to voice their displeasure with the Islamic immigration invasion of their continent, amongst other outrages. Picking the right parties from each country is the key to building a successful coalition. For example I would prefer the UKIP to the BNP, and one of the smaller rightist parties in France rather than the Front National. But in Belgium the choice is easy, the VB.

Anticipating your objections, I would remind you that *every* other party in Belgium is

Pro-Muslim immigration
Pro-EU centralization

Only the VB run counter to the Eurabian tide. So let me ask you a theoretical question Pastorius: If you lived in Flanders rather than California, who would you vote for? I believe that voting is mandatory in Belgium, so abstaining is not an option. If you look into the competing parties in Belgium, I believe that even an opponent of the VB like you would end up holding your nose and voting for them. But if not, then who? And why?

Pastorius said...

I think you're American, right? So, you are well aware of the two party system. Anyone can run, as long as they can get enough signatures to get on the ballot, but essentially we only have two choices, American and Democrat.

So, the question, who would I vote for is a pretty funny question to put to an American, isn't it?

Especially when it's coming from an American.

Inherent in the American two-party system is the idea that you don't always get what you want, that the candidate is the best of two options, that even within his party he represents the most pragmatic synthesis of the ideas being offered at the time.

So, all my voting encompasses the idea that I do not get what I want.

I certainly do not have an anti-Jihad party to vote for.

You note that you believe it is mandatory to vote in Belgium. If that is true, that is amazing, and it is a recipe for idiocy, isn't it?

By the way, I think the American two-party system is a good system, because it keeps America relatively consistent, and insures that we do not have wild swings of governance as happens in Europe. I think the Parliament system is truly dangerous, and particularly in a time of trouble, when it can become destabilizing. Only England seems to do well with such a system, and I would chalk that up to their level of fairness in debate. The English Parliaments debating skills are without compare.

The poster boy for Parliamentary disaster is Hitler, a man who was elected with only 32% of the popular vote (or thereabouts).

Pastorius said...

I realized I didn't answer your question.

Honestly, I don't know what I would do, if I were a Belgian. I don't know. I'm not trying to get myself out of anything here. I'm simply telling you that a recognition of the fact that I don't know what I would do in such a situation is actually central to why I do THIS.

ONe of the things that started me blogging was a shocking (to me, anyway) article in the LA Times back around 1999-2000. The article was about a man who had a collection of "Lynching postcards".

The point is, what I saw in those photographs was common white people, dressed up sometimes for Sunday picnics after church, who were standing smiling proudly around a lynched black man.

The article made me wonder what I would have done if I lived in such a place. I further wondered what I would have been like had a lived in 1930's Gemrany.

I resolved not to go along with the crowd on issues of Ethnic cleansing and racism, no matter how "practical" it might seem.

And, that is why I stand against Islamo-nazism. It's also why I stand against the VB.

If that makes me useless to "the movement", then they can have their movement elsewhere. Preferably, out somewhere down wind.

Damien said...


Are you sure VB is a racist party? You said the BNP was, and now listen to what mississippimud says about them in this video.

jeppo said...

I'm Canadian, not American. Here we have a fluctuating multi-party system based around two major parties, Liberals and Conservatives. The US is unique in the Western world for having a stable two-party system for the past 150 years and counting.

The point of this thread is to point out the dhimmitude of the European Parliament, and what can be done about it. Geert Wilders has an answer: Build a coalition of conservative nationalist anti-Islamist parties and run a strong campaign in next years Euro elections, hopefully electing lots of MEPs. This is a big deal, far, far bigger than anything all the counterjihadist bloggers, writers, scholars and journalists combined can accomplish to slow down the Islamization of Europe. Because at the end of the day, we are going to win or lose this thing, the long term survival of Western Civilization, through the political process, and right now we're losing.

It's not surprising that you couldn't name a single alternative to the VB because there isn't one, not in Belgium anyway. Frankly I'm sick and tired of playing defence when it comes to them. From now on I want to know why the VB-haters support their anti-Semitic, anti-American, pro-Islamist opponents. It's a cheap cop-out to continually denounce them without offering up an alternative, and the alternatives are nothing less than the vanguard of Eurabia. The good is the enemy of the perfect, and while the VB may be far from perfect, they are as good as it gets in Belgium.

Wilders is spearheading this Alliance of European Patriots because they are running out of time over there. The upcoming elections will pit the Christian Democrat-Liberal-Socialist-Green Eurabian establishment against a small band of brave men and women who will stand up for their Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian heritage and against Islamization. It's absolutely crucial that they do well enough to slow down, much less stop, the Euro-elites long-term plan to merge Europe with the Middle East and sell Israel down the river. I hope you guys at IBA will continue to pay close attention to this story.

Pastorius said...

You should just research it for yourself. We've done plenty of posts on it here. You don't have to believe me. Certainly there are plenty of anti-Jihadists who say VB is just fine.

The history of the VB is that it was birthed out of a party named Vlaams Blok. I have a friend who used to live in Belgium and years ago ( probably around 2003) she told me that she was aware of the terrible problem of European anti-Semitism because she would see the VB people marching in the streets shouting anti-Jew slogans.

After hearing that, I researched the VB (once against this was back in 2003) and came to find they were indeed known for their racism and anti-Semitism.

So, when this whole notion of aligning with the VB came up, I was shocked.

If Filip DeWinter is no longer an anti-Semite and racist, then let him explain to us what led to his conversion. Being a racist is a paradigmatic thing. One does not change from being a racist unless one has had a conversion experience which changes ones entire worldview. What happened to Filip DeWinter that he has changed, if he has?

I don't think he has, because he has never let us in on his introspection.

Instead, he still flaunts his friendship with people like Jean Marie LePen. And, as I showed you last week, the Brussels Journal published that article by Seiyo calling for White Separatism. The Brussels Journal is run by the husband of a major VB party leader.

Pastorius said...

Hi Jeppo,
I don't agree with you, but thanks for sharing your ideas anyway.

Do you have any family members who are not white?

Pastorius said...

By the way, I watched Mississippi Mud's video. He talks about the black family who joined his church and how approximately 2% of the church members did not approve, but the didn't leave the church.

that is not an apples to apples comparison with the VB or the BNP, as it is clear (at least to me) that Nick Griffin and Filip DeWinter, the party leaders of the BNP and VB respectively) are racist/anti-Semites.

If the church leadership is racist, then one ought to leave the church. If a few members are, then that's a different thing altogether.

By the way, why did the Pastor have to ask the congregation to approve the black families membership? I've never been a member of a church where you have to get jumped in.


Damien said...


So the leadership is racist? That Changes everything.

Pastorius said...

Check out this post.

Damien said...


The link you gave me just convinced me. I'm not going to support the BNP or the VB now.

Damien said...

Now I'm back to being anti BNP.

jeppo said...

Do I have any family members who aren't white? Nope, we're all honkies.

Pastorius said...

If you did, how do you imagine you would feel about them being rejected by those in power, because of their ethnicity?

Most of my family is not white. So, for me to support a party which is known for calling for a white Europe goes against the reality of my family.

On the other hand, you do make a good point when you say that the Left in Europe is anti-Semitic, and anti-American.

Pastorius said...

I guess what it comes down to is we have no choice in Europe.

jeppo said...

It's true that Dewinter called for a white Europe, but he clarified it as a white-majority Europe, not a whites-only Europe. And I'm sure that you're aware that there are non-white members and elected officials of the VB. Rest assured Pastorius that no member of your family, presuming they lived in Flanders rather than the US of course, would be rejected by the VB because of the colour of their skin.

Anyway I think we've volleyed the VB hot potato back and forth enough for this thread. Just one more question for you, will you support Wilders' parliamentary coalition even if it includes the VB?