Friday, December 19, 2008

Fighting Dhimmitude

Following on the Fitna piece a day or so ago, a refreshing change of pace.

At Dr. Bulldog:

Letter to the Editor Regarding Dhimmi Article About ‘Obsession’ DVD

An interesting letter sent to the Kalamazoo Gazette:

Americans need to wake up and grasp reality of threat from radical Islam as portrayed in ‘Obsession’Posted by Keith Iden December 18, 2008 -

I am writing in response to the article titled “Controversial DVD about Islam sent Here” on the Kalamazoo Gazette’s local news page dated Monday October 6th. I didn’t see receiving that video in my mailbox in the light that the article implied.

The Gazette article took scenes from what I would term a “documentary” and put them in an out-of-context light.

The article also interviewed one resident, Trent Stocking who is at the ripe wise old age of 23.

Here’s Mr Stockings quotes in alluding to the film: “It was pretty crazy” and “Even though there were disclaimers at the beginning and end, it seemed like the film was teaching you to be terrified of Muslims or even people with olive skin.”

I would suggest that perhaps neither Mr. Stocking, nor Chris Killian, the author of the Gazette article, did not see the documentary “Obsession” through the same eyes as me, and perhaps millions of silent Americans such as myself who believe the threat of the Islamic radical movement to this country and the world is real!

The Gazette article falsely stated that the film was interspersed with montages of Nazi rallies, interviews with critics of Islam, and scenes of Muslim children uttering their desire to become suicide bombers.

Yes, there were montages of Nazi rallies, but the point being that the German people, and the world as a whole took those rallies as a small group of fringe lunatics and paid little attention to them. The next thing the good German people knew is that Hitler and his Nazi’s owned them!

The “critics of Islam” the Gazette article alluded too numbered about 20, many of whom were directors of Mideast policy, professors, a former CIA director under the Clinton administration, and knowledgeable people throughout the world who are involved in, and have specific knowledge of this terrorist movement, These knowledgeable people were referring to the radical Islamic movement, NOT Islam as a whole as the article stated.

As for children shown uttering their desire to become suicide bombers…………Well, DUH yeah that is the point of the film!!! Yes, Gazette writers and readers, there REALLY are children being trained to be suicide bombers, and they have been for the last few decades! Where do you think the suicide bombers in the Middle East and throughout the world are coming from? It would be children who are now adults who have been brainwashed by radical Muslim clerics to hate the West and ANYONE who does not believe in their God!

The documentary “Obsession” made VERY CLEAR that Not ALL Muslims are radical, and in fact most are not. But the radical fundamentalist movement orchestrated by radical hatred filled Muslim clerics throughout the Middle East is, and has been growing for the past several decades.

What the documentary “Obsession” is trying to bring to light to the American public is, and I will quote a paragraph from the end of the film by Bernard Lewis, professor emeritus of Princeton University: “If I’m asked to sum up my message to America at this time, I would sum it up in two words……….. WAKE UP!”

I would sum up my own personal views on this documentary by saying to the producers of “Obsession,” thank you so very much for the extremely well done film, and thank you so much to whatever foundation or political affiliate who put that video in my mailbox. I would also thank this wonderful free country for the freedom to do just that.

I would also add my view from the eyes of a Vietnam veteran. This Islamic terrorist threat is very real, the reason most Americans are not aware of this threat is because the American press and media are so intent on politicizing and slamming our very leaders who know more than they do, and seem so hell bent on glamorizing the news with celebrities and crap, that they fail to report responsibly on an extremely dangerous movement that threatens ALL religions and democracy as we know it.

Scare tactics, you bet! I say wake up America and wake up press, and other media and report the real news. I urge all citizens to view the video “Obsession,” and see what you think.

It CAN happen right here in the good ole U.S.A. I would also urge those who feel this Radical Islamic threat is not real, to ask yourself a couple of questions. What will happen if I am right and this threat to America is baseless, and we blow off this war on terror? Then ask yourself what will happen if this radical Islamic threat to America is real? My life experience in Vietnam told me, we can NOT win a guerilla war in this country! My life experience told me we must fight this war where it is originating and NOT in this country.

We are strategically situated in Iraq in the middle of the region and that is the best place to fight these killers on all fronts, their training grounds. I believe our leaders are trying to instill freedom, and understanding that the West is really not the evil empire many have been brainwashed to think. I believe we are winning the war on terror, but it does not and will not come easy or quickly. It takes much time to train a free army, and eradicate a terror network that is injured but not dead. It is a sad sad consequence that American lives must be lost to accomplish such a huge task. However, it cannot be accomplished in this country, because far more lives, and the free American society as we know it would end.

Keith Iden is a resident of Kalamazoo.

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