Thursday, December 04, 2008

From a Concerned American Warrior

I received the following email a couple of days ago and I haven't had time to follow up on it. And I won't have time for another couple of weeks, so I thought I'd post it and see if someone can look into it, find out what this is about, and post it as a comment. I would really appreciate it. Here's the message:

I was looking on a website called and came across a political blog under politics. I noticed many islamic chatter on this website that might concern you. It was pretty frightening seeing what some of the bloggers are writing. I don't know how to read arabic, but I can only wonder what they are saying. please visit the site and check it out. It might be a way some of these extremist use regular sites to blog their agendas. Thank you! .....a concerned American warrior!!


Just Cause said...

I had a look on the site but couldn't see a link to Politics? I had a look through the Forums too, nothing to see there.

If you could ask the guy to be more specific about what links to follow after loading the main site.

Pastorius said...


C-Dub, we need more information.

Citizen Warrior said...

Okay, guys.

I'll ask him for more information. Thank you for your help.

When I get more info, I'll post it in the comments here. Hopefully you've subscribed to the comments of this post.

Citizen Warrior said...

This is what I got from the concerned American warrior:

"Once you go to the website, click into forums and then you will see all the different forums you can go to, like politics or just click on the subjects about politics that you see people blogging about."