Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Grand Delusion: Barack Obama understands that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of virtually all of America's problems in the Middle East

The unbelievable fantasy of the left about what lies between Christians, Jews, Zoroastrians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sikhs, animists AND......those who believe that the Quran's author is god, and it is uncreated, immutable and perfect.

Obama Demand: The Israeli Occupation Must End


It is becoming clear that Barack Obama understands that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is at the heart of virtually all of America's problems in the Middle East.

He also understands that, paradoxically, it is the Middle East problem most amenable to resolution by way of American leadership. Indians and Pakistanis care what the United States thinks, but neither depends on us the way Israelis and Palestinians do. Israelis and Palestinians need us, both for our aid and for political and moral support. Neither side can say "no" to an American President with impunity--especially when all he is demanding is that each live up to commitments they have already made.

He would not have told the Chicago Tribune this week that he will go to the Middle East this winter to tell the Arabs (and the Israelis) that the page has turned if he had not intended to abandon America's entirely one-sided policy in favor of playing the role of honest broker. We haven't played that role in decades.

Thumbnail image for nasral_us.jpg

That means issuing demands to both sides. Neither has to do what we want but each will surely understand that simply ignoring Obama is not an option. (Bush, even when he tried to do the right thing, was undermined by Eliot Abrams, Douglas Feith, Scooter Libby, John Bolton, David Wurmser and others inside his own administration. That is not going to happen with Obama as President and Emanuel as enforcer.

Actually Bush was ingnored by Thomas Fingar, Valerie Plame, Paul Pillar, Rand Beers, Vann Van Diepen, and Kenneth Brill. But never mind. Also we hesistate to remind the idiotic ahistorical author of this piece that from 1947 until the vistually the Six Day War, our TOTAL ARMS EMBARGO in Israel did absolutely NOTHING to stop complete arab rejection, or mid east wars.

Israel's most significant concession was recognizing the Palestinian right to statehood.

Actually it was the complete and unilateral end to the occupation of Gaza (2005) and south Lebanon (2000) with nothing in return, and we can all see how successful that has been.

It took five decades but today the government of Israel accepts the Palestinian claim to that 22% figure, although it wants some flexibility in determining what lands will constitute it. (For instance, it would swap some land in Israel proper in exchange for West Bank territory adjacent to Israel).

Essentially, the two sides are already in agreement about what an Israeli-Palestinian peace treaty will look like.

I hate to be the harbinger of bad noews on this, but the arasb whose people and land now in Israel who would be swapped into palestinian arabia HAVE REFUSED THIS SIGNAL HONOR. I wonder if this has some meaning? Hmmmmmm?

And then the money line:

The main obstacle to achieving it (PEACE) remains the occupation.

It is on this premise that the debate needs to occur and where we need to hear from the palestinians themselves.

The main obstacle to achieving it (PEACE) remains the permanent desire of the Palestinians peoples themselves to exterminate Israel which they believe has no right to exist.
Unaccounted for also is the unyielding stance of HAMAS
whose religious based opposition to any peace will
for any foreseeable future make attempts at a solution

The Israelis themselves have taken an important step by evacuating the Hebron house. It's only a start, but it shows the way. President Obama, and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, can help Olmert, and his successor, by making clear that they expect promises to be fulfilled, pledges to be lived up to. They can, and must, tell Israel's next prime minister that America stands behind Israel's security as it always has--but not behind the occupation that is destroying it.

Friends don't let friends drive drunk.

It's that simple.

Perhaps this complete moron at talking points memo will have something to think on when, if as the polls now indicate, Mr. Netanyahu and the Likud sweep to a mandate in February.

By all means reads the whole thing, but take your ipecac first.

Ahhhhh, the authors judges, if we only crack those stiff necked jews heads together, all our problems with Islam will be solved.

Useful Idiots

1 comment:

Ray said...

There will never be peace with that sect of the world until one thing and one thing only happens, Israel's destruction or dissemblance, then it'll be the United States and some other imaginary land they claim Allah willed to Islam.

Give an inch take a mile is as old as Grandma Moses's hills, oh but Hussein thinks he is the first man to walk the earth with these ideas? What a delusional individual is right.