Wednesday, December 03, 2008

John Stewart Show Explains The Mumbai Massacre

No other news show explained this better than John Stewart's show.

Thanks to Damien for making us aware of this.

When will these motherfuckers go away?

See the post below this one. When Obama starts pursuing a policy like that, then these motherfuckers will go away.


Anonymous said...

Seldom have I ever heard it better put or with more muthaf****n eloquence.

Pastorius said...

It is a classic.

Maybe I should put that in the sidebar below the Islamofashion Show.

Damien said...


No other news show explained this better than John Stewart's show.

Thanks to Damien for making us aware of this.

Your welcome.

Pastorius said...


Damien said...


By the way, its "The Daily" not "The John Stewart." Just to let you know.

Pastorius said...

That's right. I forgot. I don't watch TV, so even though I like John Stewart, I forget about his show.

Damien said...


Its no big deal, but I was pleasantly surprised about how open they were about the motivations of the Mumbai terrorists.

Mother Effingby said...

Good evening, Damien, Jaco, riverridesagain, et al. I note in the sidebar, Jaco, the IBA quote of the week begins with this question:
"Does Jihad Mean "Inner Struggle?"

I'd like to answer it like this:
It depends on how many of the jihadis it takes to hold a woman down while they rape her repeatedly, then surely, there will be some sort of inner struggle, I would imagine.

Pastorius said...

Wow, Jau Jau.

That's some hardcore humor.

Very Infidel of you.


Mother Effingby said...

Embrace the inhumanity, man! Yeargh!

Anonymous said...

I have so much more respect for Stewart now, first time I've seen someone so mainstream dis the Islamic Mutherfuck%ers like that.

christian soldier said...

Finally-someone --on air--who tells like it is!
Pastorius-Damien--Thank you for this one.

Pastorius said...

I expect we are going to see a lot more of this now that Obama has been elected.

Now that they don't have to dis bush all the time, the lefties are going to admit we really have an enemy. And, they are going to join us in the fight.

I'm ok with this, because I don't care who gets the credit, I just want to win.

Mother Effingby said...

I never thought of it that way, Jaco. You may be on to something.

Damien said...

christian soldier,

Your welcome and I'm sure Pastorius appreciates your thanks as well.

Damien said...


I really want us to win, and it would be better for Obama and the Democrats to take credit for our victory, than for us to lose, and have to live under submission to Islam. That said, I do care who takes credit. The PC Liberals have been dissing republicans, conservatives and libertarians, for standing up for freedom against the Islamic Imperialists, accusing many of them of bigotry for criticizing violent, Islamic doctrine, even to some degree, justifying the actions of Jihadists. I don't want them to be able to turn around and just take credit, and act like they always supported the cause, now that their guy is in the white house. Its not acceptable to oppose a war just because your guy isn't in the white house and support it just because your guy all of a sudden is elected. I don't want them to get away with that. Still I really want us to defeat this enemy and I won't oppose anything that might help that cause, simply becouse my guy didn't get to become president.

However, don't expect things to turn around too quickly. There's still the possibility that the Daily Show hosts might get a Fatwa and end up retracting everything said in the clip out of fear for their lives or have the network force them to do so. There's even the possibility that some so called "moderate Muslim" phony civil rights group might try to pressure Comedy Central.

Damien said...

Remember how they refuse to show an image of Mohammad on South Park, during the cartoon Jihad.

Damien said...


Note that I would like it if liberal democrats would turn around and join our side on this, but I will hate it if they do so, only because one of them is in the white house. It is not acceptable to support our nations enemies, so you can harm a president that you don't like for some reason.

Pastorius said...

I don't know how old you are, but I'm in my mid-forties, which means I grew up during the cold war.

I saw the left bitch and moan about Reagan, and I saw Reagan's policies change the world, and I saw the left support those on the other side, and I see now that they still hate Reagan and give him no credit for what he did.

But, the fact is, we beat the Soviet Union in the Cold War.

that's what really matters.

I do believe history matters. I do believe that progress requires an accurate appraisal of events. however, I am also cognizant of the fact that over the long run truth does win out. Reagan is already gaining stature.

By the way, people on our side of the fence denigrate Roosevelt to this day, but the truth has largely won out. He was one of the greatest Presidents we've ever had.

Damien said...


You just made an excellent point. Usually, in the long run, the truth tends to win out.
That said, I really have a good feeling that what was said in this clip had nothing to do with Obama getting elected. I think they most likely would be saying the same things, even If McCain won the election, despite the fact that the Daily Show is rather liberal. I think that most mainstream leftist do care about the future of the country more than their guy being president, I just think they maybe somewhat misguided.

Mother Effingby said...

We are about the same age, then, Jaco. The media also couldn't understand how much Reagan was deeply loved - with a love than transcended racial and economic divides. He was truly loved by the vast majority of people in this country. I worked for a really liberal press in Montana during the reign of Renaldus Magnus, and I can remember the insane rage the editors (most of whom were from Madison, Wisconsin) felt when Reagan beat Mondale, and the only states Mondale got were Minnesota and Mass. Every single state but those two went to Ronald Reagan, and the press was fit to be tied. Everything they did was a way of undermining him or discrediting his administration. We have not seen the likes of so great a man nor will we. That age is past, and now a generation has come, indoctrinated against him and his legacy, and they will be among the throngs of acolytes worshipping Dread Lord Barry.

Anonymous said...

There are no real leaders on horizon. And even if there were, the media would crucify him/her. One wonders what the next few years will bring.

Hope and change... Sure.

Damien said...

Fellow Infidel,

If the liberal media failed to keep Reagan out of the white house, who are we to say they won't fail again sometime in the future. Keep in mind there wasn't a blogospere or much in the way of a talk radio back then. Obama may have won, this time, but maybe he'll end up a one term president, like Carter, after being defeated by someone else. By the way, what did you think of the Daily Show clip?