Thursday, December 11, 2008

Obama Offers Israel Nuclear Umbrella

Our Iranian policy, such as it is, slips another notch.

Nevermind this says to the Mullahs "Ok. Fine. You can Have your nuke. Just don't use it."

Nevermind that Israel, if it were attacked, is quite capable of removing Iran from the face of the earth in a retaliatory strike before O's phone even rings.

Nevermind what the response from the other nuclear nations would be if we piled on AFTER Israel had already counterstruck. (not that I'm necessarily against that, mind you, nor piling on now for that matter).

Nevermind the apocalyptic Mullahs don't understand deterence, or that once that first Islamic nuke hits the nuclear umbrella is mute, because then it will be on and it's over, in one moment.

Just how in the hell can he threaten a nuclear response when, during the campaign, he vowed to disarm ourselves of nukes?

I'm no longer hoping we can get through the next four years. I'm just hoping we can survive them reasonably intact.

From FoxNews:

President-elect Barack Obama will offer Israel a strategic pact designed to fend off any nuclear attack on the Jewish state by Iran, an Israeli newspaper reported on Thursday.
Haaretz, quoting an unnamed source, said the Obama administration would pledge under the proposed "nuclear umbrella" to respond to any Iranian strike on Israel with a "devastating U.S. nuclear response."
Granting Israel a nuclear guarantee would essentially suggest the U.S. is willing to come to terms with a nuclear Iran, the paper reported.

According to the paper's source, Obama's nuclear guarantee would be backed by a new and improved Israeli anti-ballistic missile system. The Bush administration took the first step by deploying an early-warning radar system, which enhances the ability to detect Iranian ballistic missiles.
No immediate comment from Israeli officials or the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv was offered.

the rest here


Anonymous said...

Call me a dozy ol' bint, Midnight Rider, but a mushroom cloud looks alot like a nuclear umbrella.

midnight rider said...

And that's what the Mullah's want. Ahmanutjob, too. To Bring on world chaos and usher in the Mahdi. They care not a wit if their country is destroyed in the process. What else is destroyed along the way even less so. So to say we'll hit them AFTER they've hit Israel seems foolish. It's what they want.

Which is why I'm an advocate for hitting them now, non-nuclear if at all possible. Before they can bring on their version of TEOTWAWKI.

Pastorius said...

When you find yourself worried about such things, just remember what Rahm Emanuel said,

"It will be a common experience, and that's all you need to think about right now."

midnight rider said...

Yep. One big common boom boom.

Pasto -- did you add Wiley? One of my heroes as a kid. Saturday morning cartoons. The Best.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, I did.

Hope you don't mind. The title just made me think of that image.

midnight rider said...

Nope. Don't mind a'tall. Seems real fitting for this cartoon of an administration we're getting.

Anonymous said...

Wiley Obamayote speaks with forked tongue. Four tines, in fact.

Meep meep... !

midnight rider said...

And dodges questions like the Road Runner.

What we need around here is Yosemite Sam "I'll keelhaul them jihadis!"