Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Proud To Be A Sheepdog

I make no secret that I am a staunch proponent of civilian carry, concealed or otherwise. And proud to be considered a sheepdog because I carry, always (where legal), and understand the ramifications and responsibilities of doing so. As put by Nicholas Cage in National Treasure "Those who have the ability to do something have the responsibility to do something." Because of my decision to carry, if something happens at church or a mall or McDonald's, if I have the ability to intervene then I have taken upon myself the responsibilty to intervene.

Some months ago I ran on about this in the comments here, waxing philosophical nigh unto boring the reader to tears I'm afraid. But with Mumbai I immediately started thinking about it again. I won't rag on now but if India had been a nation of sheepdogs and not sheep, if it hadn't the gun control it does, last week may have been mitigated a good deal by normal citizens. As may happen here sooner than we think.

Hopefully there are enough sheepdog among us to keep the blood spilled & lives lost low, at least hold them off until the cavalry arrives. But in any event it will be the sheepdogs among us as the first line of defense when the offense begins. Taking the whole "What are you prepared to do?" to it's original level. For that reason alone we cannot let Obama erode our 2nd amendment.

I consider everyone who posts here a sheepdog, whether you carry or not. Just by posting you are looking out for the sheep who are deaf dumb and blind to the wolf already inside door.

Right. I yield the ammo box. But with this for those of you who carry, wish you carried, wish you could carry or are just plain interested in the whole subject (which I reckon covers 110% of the bloggers here) & in the mindset of such folks as Jeanne Assam, here's the original *On Sheep, Wolves and Sheepdogs by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman. article, with a big tip of me cap to The Breda Fallacy.


Citizen Warrior said...

And while you're at it, you might as well load it with Crusader Ammunition, dipped in pig's blood for extra punch.

Citizen Warrior said...

I have heard many a terrorist attack has been stopped in Israel because they have quite a few citizen warriors with concealed carry permits.

midnight rider said...

Exactly my point.

2 recent come immediately to mind. Last winter at the Yeshiva school in Jerusalem it was mostly reported the Palestinian shooter was stopped by a cop. He wasn't. An armed 40 something student brought him down on the roof (& I think was injured along the way). A cop finished the job.

This summer one of the bulldozer attacks was stopped by an armed settler. There was video it shows the man drawing his weapon, firing, holstering the gun and calmly walking to his car.

If you have trained to do so (& I think every law abiding citizen should) then be prepared to take that shot if the moment comes. You'll never know how many lives you may have saved, only how many were lost if you don't.

midnight rider said...

Crusader Ammunition! I want 100 rds each in .45 acp, .357 mag, 9mm & .380 acp. Gotta love Blackjack Pershing.

Love that quote at the bottom, too.

"But I will forewarn you whom ye shall fear:Fear him, which after he hath killed hath power to cast into hell; yea I say unto you, fear him" Luke 12:5

Another greta quote from a ccw supply dealer:

"The purpose of carrying a concealed firearm is not for personal protection or safety, it is to allow you to control your immediate surroundings when required.
Think tactically, survive and prosper"

WC said...

Here come the Obaaaamocrats !!

midnight rider said...

WC. Nice. Very nice. Perfect ;>)

Citizen Warrior said...

Midnight Rider, you might want to check out this very interesting piece on Media Bias Against Guns. The incident you mentioned happens a lot, where a crime is stopped by a citizen with a gun but the media doesn't report that part.

midnight rider said...

CW -- Thank you for the tip I have it bookmarked for a little later after supper.

Even less reported are the number of times merely displaying the gun stops the crime cold, without a shot being fired.

They only report the criminal stuff. My attitude is best as I conveyed to my 21 yr old.

She shoots with me although doesn't carry, yet. Shoots a Walther PPK (James Bond's gun if readers are unfamiliar). Several weeks ago I bought an old Walther PP (slightly larger then the PPK)at a gun show. This was a pre-WWII production gun. It had some of the German manufacture markings but the Nazi markings had been removed, the gun used by the Swiss as a police gun after it was confiscated after the war.

Anyway, she likes the gun but said it creeped her out what that gun may have done during the war. My response was simple.

The evil is not in the gun, but in the hand that holds it.

It was a clarifying moment for her.

Now, of course, she wants the PP as well.