Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Twas the Year 1255 AD...

I just read something that surprised me. I was reading the excellent book, The New Concise History of the Crusades when I came across this passage:

Over the course of the previous six centuries, Islam had conquered three-quarters of the Christian world.

In a relatively short time, Islam had conquered seventy-five percent of the Christian world! Now that is something I can use in my conversations with people trying to defend the poor oppressed Muslim world, or putting down the crusaders as bloodthirsty aggressors fighting a war of oppression. The Christian world was truly on the brink of extinction!


Damien said...

Citizen Warrior,

That's a shocking fact. Those numbers are disturbing.

Citizen Warrior said...

I've told people before that Baghdad used to be a Christian country, and they are shocked. In fact, most of the Middle East was Christian before Islam came along. Afghanistan was a Buddhist culture. But Islam is so total and so supremacist, every kind of culture except Islam disappears when Islam gets its hands on the government.

Athos said...

Thank you for mentioning Madden's book. I have appreciated his work correcting the myths about the Crusades. Looks like a fine Christmas gift to myself.

Epaminondas said...

Next cocktail party just mention that the Crusades were an armed resistance to the conquering of most of the known world by an imperial tribes of warriors for booty and religious supremacy, and see what happens.

You will be among the readers of Karen Armstrong and Piers Paul Reid.

Pastorius said...

I love Epa's approach.

Set 'em up, and mow 'em down.


Pastorius said...

Great post. I heard this guy interviewed on Dennis Prager's Radio Show, but I neglected to buy the book. Thanks for reminding me.

Check out the Infidel Quote of the Week in the sidebar.

Pastorius said...

Thanks for the link. I'll post it.