Monday, January 05, 2009

1.8m Foreigners Move To Londonstan as Britons Leave

From the Guardian:

Almost 1.8 million people have moved to London from abroad in the last decade, figures revealed today show.

However, the capital proved less popular with British residents, and lost the largest number of people through internal migration of any area in the UK.

The Bank of Scotland research, published today, shows that between 1998 and 2007 nearly 2 million people moved out of the capital to other parts of Britian, while 1.6 million went the other way.

London experienced by far the biggest level of net international migration, with almost 1.8 million more people moving to London from abroad than moved from the capital to live outside the UK.


Anonymous said...

BBC rewrites history. The Muslims invented science

andre79 said...

More Muslim apologia from the BBC with the taxpayer money. Nothing new.

Damien said...


I have a bad feeling about the future of the west.

Pastorius said...

Yeah, once 1.8 million people move into one of you biggest and best cities, and 1.8 million of your best and brightest move out, you're in trouble.

This isn't immigration. These people are an invading force.

Muslims believe any land, in which they become a sizable percentage, is to be taken for Allah.

Damien said...


you said,
Muslims believe any land, in which they become a sizable percentage, is to be taken for Allah.

That's not one hundred percent accurate, they believe that any land is to be taken for Allah, regardless of anything else.

Anonymous said...

Dear fellow Europeans,
we must just admit the plain truth: we're talking
about an invasion of hostile muslims in "immigrants"
disguise...some thugs speak about multicultural societies...How can such a society will be formed,
when its different components clash in a more than evident way? The whole thing starts and stops here.
I feel pity for England and the rest of Europe, dear
fellow Europeans RESIST against this plague before it's too late...