Thursday, January 15, 2009

The Copper Kid Rices Again

The second video from the incredible Copper Kid/

And if you had difficulty hearing everything from the video click here for the comic

Faith Freedom Indonesia

The full bore anti-Islam forum site Faithfreedom, run by Ali Sina, has nine non English language versions, including an Indonesian one, or did until today.

The site has been shut down by its operators after it attracted the attention of various political and religious authorities in Indonesia, such as the Clerics’ Council/Majelis Ulama Indonesia (MUI) and the Justice Party/Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS).

Ikhwan Syam of MUI asked the Department of Communications to take action against the site [1], while President of PKS Tifatul Sembiring said the PKS may stage public demonstrations [2]

[both speaking before the site shut down].

Currently the home page of this site contains a message explaining that in the interests of inter-religious harmony in Indonesia the forum has been closed:

Mulai hari ini tanggal 19 Nov 2008, admins/moderators menutup forum ini demi terciptanya keharmonisan beragama di Indonesia. Forum ini adalah milik dan dikelola oleh, Dr. Ali Sina. Dengan ini admins/moderators tidak lagi terlibat dalam bentuk apapun dalam forum ini, dan meminta maaf bila kehadiran forum ini telah meresahkan masyarakat Indonesia.

TRANSLATION: 'As of today, the admin/moderators decide to close the forum in order to maintain peace between religions in Indonesia. This forum is owned and managed by blablabla..... The admin/Moderators are not anymore involved in any form whatsoever in this forum and wld like to apologize if the existence of this forum has caused concern to the Indonesian community.'

Specifically, the main complaint against is that it hosted two comic strips, entitled “Muhammad and Zainab” and “Muhammad and Hafsa”, in colloquial Indonesian language, which portray the prophet Muhammad in terms likely to be highly offensive to most Muslims, including in sexual poses.

Later, the Minister of Communications Muhammad Nuh vowed to prosecute the owner of any blog, or presumably website in general, who displays insulting pictures and cartoons of the prophet Muhammad, according to the recently passed Electronic Information Act (see Internet Blocking & Regulation).

Another website which has recently come under public scutiny, Lapo Tuak Batak (means Warung Tuak), a hosted wordpress blog, had its contents removed by its operator, and now has been suspended by Wordpress, see This blog also hosted the offending comic strips, and the blogger at the helm is believed have made the Indonesian translation.

Mutammimul Ula of the PKS complained that the contents of Lapo Tuak Batak were gross and pornographic and extremely upsetting for Muslims, but advised people not to take the law into their own hands and seek revenge.

The Department of Communications has sent a request to for the latter to reveal the identity of the blogger at Whether Wordpress acceded to the request or not police enquiries would continue and a spokesman for the Department claimed that the digital forensic laboratories of the police force would be put to work to find out the blogger’s, (who may go by the name “Coppertone”) identity.

Adadeh/Cooper Kid and Duladi you will be sorely missed, you where doing great work, stay safe

I will miss you guys
, stay safe



midnight rider said...

What's with picking on the donkeys this week??? First the guy who seduces one now this??? What did the donkeys do to deserve it?

More seriously and more ominously:

Shiva I hope they stay safe. This is the second blog I heard of this week going to ground. Although in far less physical danger Aurora shut down The Midnight Sun due to concern of attracting attention from Australia's hate speech cops.

Anonymous said...

midnight rider said...

This is the second blog I heard of this week going to ground.

This is not a blog going down, it was the Indonesia section of FFI.

I had quite a bit of correspondence with Copper Kid, a few years back, and we where planning to do something together. But it fell through, partly to do with me moving to Thialand, and the forum where we PM,ing to each other was blocked by the Thias, so we lost contact for quite a while.
Anyway he went ahead on his own.

As you may know, I am posting out of Indonesia, and my blog has been blocked by google/blogger. It really hurt as I had put a lot of time and effort into it, But to console myself, I say it could have been for the better, because today Indonesia is using the same technology to track down bloggers as what is being used to track Islamists and paedophiles. They would no doubt have got me in the end, as I am a stubborn bastard and had no intention to quit my blog. I realise now that I was also endangering my family.

midnight rider said...

Shiva -- thank you for clarifying. Still, it's ominous when free speech is shut down for fear of offense.

Anonymous said...

Shiva - your work is/was very much appreciated by HRW. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Shiva - your work is/was very much appreciated by HRW. Thank you.

Thankyou your highness