Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Islam Will Take Over Rome

From Vlad Tepes:

A few things worth noting about this video. The use of the term ‘Crusader’ or ‘Crusader Capitol’ is new in Islam. HIstoricaly the Muslims never felt the crusades where a noteworthy event. A minor skirmish in which Europeans lost. It has become fashionable only in post modern times for Muslims to croon about the crusades as they saw we had fashioned a rod with them with which we beat ourselves and they are happy to pick it up and continue to beat us with it. I strongly recommend the book, ‘A Concise History of the Crusades’ should anyone be interested in knowing more. It’s very good and clears up a lot of myths about the events and purpose of them. In fact, it is clearly time for another one.

It is also amusing to see this cleric claim that Rome has declared it’s hostility to Islam while in fact Italy has let in over a million Muslims and given them all benefits of a European state and perfect freedom not only to be Muslim but even at this point to harass church goers and practice their faith in the streets and everywhere they can imagine. Its also interesting that while he makes this claim, he himself is actually declaring his hostility to Catholicism.


Always On Watch said...

Note the date on the video and relate that date to what's recently happened in Milan.

Pastorius said...

Marching orders.