Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Portuguese Cardinal Warns Women Not To Marry Muslim Men

A Catholic 
Has Warned 
Against Becoming 

From the Australian:

Article from: Agence France-Presse

"Be careful with love. Think twice before marrying a Muslim, think seriously because it brings loads of hassle  - and even Allah can't say where all that will end,'' Jose Policarpo, the Cardinal Patriarch of Lisbon, said during a public debate.

"When you recognise what a young European of Christian upbringing is subjected to, given Muslim attitudes to women, the first time she goes to their countries, we can imagine what that entails.

"You can only dialogue with someone who is willing to dialogue. With our Muslim brothers, for example, dialogue is very difficult,'' he said.

"We have taken the first steps, but it's extremely difficult - because for them, their truth is the only way.''

Around 40,000 Muslims live in Portugal, according to Lisbon's Islamic community leaders - who have yet to react to the cardinal's remarks.

A spokesman for Portugal's episcopal community, Manuel Marujao, said that Policarpo was offering "realistic advice'' which he said amounted neither to "discrimination nor contempt for another culture or religion'', according to the Catholic news agency Ecclesia.


Anonymous said...

Christian cross banned from church in case it offends Muslims

Anonymous said...

let the reaction begain...

Damien said...


Well, well, another church leader is doing his job. Good for him, good for the west, and good for us.

Anonymous said...

"........their truth is the only way"?????

Whilst we all know what he means, don't forget that Islam is in itself a lie, founded on lies, propagating lies and perpetrating lies and evil.

Don't marry a muslim, certainly, but don't buy from their shops. Don't give way to their racism - complain! Don't move out of their way - ever. Don't trade with them. If you pass a mosque, have a CD or tape of hymns, patriotic music or, in season, Christmas carols and play it loudly. Every little bit helps.

Pastorius said...

Those are good rules.

Pastorius said...

Yep. There are a few Church leaders out there who do understand that our job is to spread the Truth.

Anonymous said...

rumcrook said...
let the reaction begain...

It did... whine and taqiyya.

The PC media reported that 85% of the population supports the Cardinal. AND SO DO I!

Anonymous said...

I read somwhere the number of muslims in Portugal is 100 thousand.

Anonymous said...

I read somewhere the number of muslims in Portugal is 100 thousand.

Pastorius said...

I am glad to hear 85% of the population supports the Cardinal. That is a healthy society. Wow. They believe in their own worldview without a lot of equivocation.

Anonymous said...

Cardinal Ruini, Tauran and another one, said some similar stuff.