Thursday, January 01, 2009

Stand with Israel

Stand with Israel, or get the hell out of the way.
Stand with Israel against those who stand with the scum who want it wiped out.
And to Israel: Stand up for yourself, because your "friends" always betray you and no one is coming to your rescue.


Anonymous said...

Just fantastic graphics! This should be printed up and plastered upon walls throughout the world!

Thank you Bosch!

Todah Rabah!

Anonymous said...

Hi Bosch! Wondered where you were at. Creating a hero for the new year, I now see.

Epaminondas said...

ok I scarfed that with credits for the new year's post

Pastorius said...


Hope you don't mind if we put that in the sidebar.

Great work, Bosch.

Anonymous said...

The image is a keeper. . .and today's comment by Hugh Fitzgerald at JW provides this teaching moment:

Israel is an Infidel nation-state. The war being made on it is the same war being made on other non-Muslim states, such as India, and the same war made by Muslims on non-Muslims in countries already controlled by Muslims, where they can get away with whatever they want, and the same war made by Muslims on the legal and political institutions of non-Muslim societies in those non-Muslim lands where Muslims, in numbers large enough to dare to conduct such a war, obviously using means other than outright violence, have been allowed to settle.

Anything that weakens or imperils Israel will be taken by Muslims, and not only by the immediate shock troops of the Jihad -- the Slow Jihadists of Fatah or the Fast Jihadists of Hamas -- as a sign of Allah's munificence, and will merely whet, not sate, Arab and Muslim appetites. Any further surrenders of territory by Israel will weaken the effectiveness of the only thing that keeps the peace between Israel and those eager to destroy it -- that is, the theory, and practice, of Deterrence, or "Darura."

And for the same reason, India should be backed to the hilt over Kashmir, or in any war with Muslim Pakistan. For if Kashmir tomorrow were entrusted to Muslim rule, the Hindus remaining would be, slowly but surely, driven out, and Kashmir completely islamized, and then Muslims in Pakistan, Islam-ruled Kashmir, Bangladesh, and within India itself, would merely set their sights now on repossessing, for Islam, the rest of India.

It was the armed forces of Israel that destroyed the Osirak Reactor. At the time the American government, headed by George Walker Bush, was outraged and condemned the operation. We know better now. It was the armed forces of Israel that recently bombed the nuclear project in Syria that had been placed there by the Iranians, thus performing a service for Infidels and even for Sunni Muslims alarmed about the ambitions of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

The Israeli security services and military have excellent intelligence and agents who possess, as native speakers, the relevant languages. They know the Middle East and they know the Arabs, even if their government does not, it seems, understand the permanent relevance of Islam. Furthermore, Israel is an unshakeable ally of the United States -- unshakeable no matter how badly the American government sometimes treats it. And that is because Israel is part of the same Western world, shares the same civilization. The same cannot be said for the sinister and meretricious Arab "allies" such as Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The former is not now and never has been an ally of the United States. The latter is only an "ally" insofar that the corrupt regime is willing to do the minimum the Americans require of it in order to keep those billions of dollars in aid flowing in. But stop that aid, and the Egyptians -- who are already running diplomatic interference for Sudan over Darfur, and who allowed the smuggling of the huge quantities of missiles and other military equipment through those hundreds of tunnels in Gaza that Israel is now forced, at such great cost, to deal with, and Egypt's official media have eagerly broadcast the darkest antisemitic nonsense (even a television series based on The Protocols), and the Egyptian masses are violently anti-American, despite or perhaps because of that nearly $3 billion a year in American aid (which allows the corrupt rulers the res, or something, to be corrupt about).

The big mistake of the Americans was pushing Israel to surrender the Sinai. It should have been obvious, but apparently was not, that Egypt would pocket the Sinai and then proceed to violate every promise it had made under the Camp David Accords about fostering friendly relatons with, and ending hostile propaganda against, Israel. And it should also have been obvious, but was not to the likes of Carter and Brzezinski (the two men who abandoned the Shah when his regime might have been saved, and who had such touching faith in Khomeini as a "man of faith" who, therefore, must -- so Carter thought -- be a swell guy because that's what, in his narrow schoolgirl view of the world, that's what "men of faith" are), that if the Sinai was to be given away, it should have been given not to Egypt, but to the United States, and the three large and modern airbases that the Israelis had built there been used by the American Air Force. Israel would not have minded. And Egypt? Egypt was starting to get what by now is more than $70 billion, and the Egyptians would have had a hard time explaining why they would not welcome American airbases in the Middle East, right there in the Sinai.
But of course American governments are afraid of the Arabs, afraid to ask anything of them as a quid pro quo, and have, even in their giving of aid, taken to adopting the classic attitude of the Jizyah-payers of yore: that is, they give the aid as if it is their duty, and the Muslim recipients (Egypt, Pakistan, Jordan, Iraq, Afghanistan, the Gazan Arabs and the "West Bank" Arabs) all receive the aid they get from the Americans and other Infidels not with any growing gratitude, but as by right, as if they are due that American aid.

No, the bargain for America, and for other Infidels menaced by Islam, is Israel's military might, for it is that which, in the Middle East, in the end has carried the ball again and again and again, defeating Nasser, who was so dangerous, defeating the Soviet effort in Egypt in the 1973 War, destroying the Osirak Reactor, destroying the Iranian-Syrian joint venture in nuclear weaponry, and taking on both Hezbollah, when the Lebanese were incapable of doing so, and now Hamas. Yet there is little understanding, and not enough appreciation, for all that Israel does to defend the West and Infidels everywhere, when it defends itself. Instead, we are asked to believe, by some -- by smiling Arab diplomats, for example -- to ignore Islam, to ignore London and Amsterdam and Beslan and Mumbai and New York and Washington -- and to believe that what is in the Qur'an, Hadith, and Sira hardly matter, but if only Israel is properly pressured, and deliberately diminished or dimidiated in favor of the utterly phony "Palestinian people," all manner of things shall be well. It's nonsense, but for those too lazy to learn about Islam, or too afraid about what they have learned or what they think they may learn, and the duty it then places on them to both instruct and protect those they govern, it's a plausible story. Why not believe it? It makes things so much easier, it means we never have to really think about the Money Weapon, campaigns of Da'wa, and demographic conquest, by Muslims, in the Bilad al-Kufr, or Lands of the Infidels. Yes, it makes things so much easier, if you model your policy-planning on the fabled ostrich whose sand, of course, can be helpfully supplied by any Arab despot. After all, they have so much of it.
Posted by: Hugh at January 1, 2009 1:28 PM


Tonto said...

There is no doubt in my mind that it's US vs. THEM. Israel has become as much as a symbol of that as palestinians have. I side with Israel, not because I love Israel but because we share the same ememy. After much research and consideration, I have become absolutely rabid about that.

Reg said...

I had a genuine epiphany when I discovered to my utter amazement that the size of the entire worldwide diaspora of the Jewish people, as of 2007, is a mere 13.5 million souls, of which roughly 5.27 million live in the U.S., another 5.3 million in Israel with the remaining 2.5 million being distributed throughout the world, according to Jewish Agency for Israel.

When I consider how implausibly disproportionate the positive contributions are that the Jewish people have made to civilization; particularly in contemporary post WWII times, after they barely survived total annihilation . . . . it is a tribute to their indefatigable spirit that a single heritage of people that represent such a miniscule portion of the world's population also represent such a significant proportion of humanity's best and brightest . . .

For example: Israel's Negev region had been a naturally inhospitable unarable desert for all of history . . . until Israel was formed in 1948 when, through sheer determination of will she turned the barren and arid Negev into the "Citrus basket of Europe" . . . with Israel becoming the chief exporter oranges, renowned for their Jaffa variety that were second to none in quality.

They continue to improve the fixed size Negev's arable output with typical resourcefulness:

Water is diverted through pipelines from the Jordan and Yarqon rivers and from Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee). Because almost all the country’s current water resources have been fully exploited, further agricultural development involves increasing yields from land already irrigated, obtaining more water by cloud seeding, reducing the amount of evaporation, desalinizing seawater, and expanding desert farming in the Negev by drawing on brackish water found underground. Israel has perfected drip-irrigation methods that conserve water and optimize fertilizer use.
excerpted from Britannica Online

If I sound like a P.R. person for Jewish culture, it's because I recognize their lopsided positive contribution to humanity while shaking my head in incredulity for the shame that much of humanity bears for how it has mistreated this noble heritage of people that has beaten all the odds in it's heroic persistence.

I can take some solace in the idea that it's no coincidence that the decency and principles for which America stands is validated by her continuing foreign policy support of "the little nation that could . . ."

mazel tov!

Anonymous said...

UN to hold Jew-bashing festival in April

Pastorius said...

Thanks for that. We all need to be reminded again and again of the contributions the Jews make to our lives.

Meanwhile, the Palestinians and their Muslim brothers contribute what exactly?

andre79 said...

The Jews represent 0.3% of world population but have 10% of Nobel Prizes.

Bosch Fawstin said...

Thanks everyone, and special thanks to Pastorius, glad you like it, I just hope Israel defends itself to the hilt this time. We all fear they won't and give in to pressure from 'the world' [for defending itself!], but there still may be some in Israel who realize that they cannot afford to go on fighting the same enemy for another 50+ years.

Pastorius said...

I hope to God Israel does, as you say, "defend itself to the hilt" this time.

We need forward momentum.

Some Patton quotes:

"Infantry must move forward to close with the enemy. It must shoot in order to move…. To halt under fire is folly. To halt under fire and not fire back is suicide. Officers must set the example"

"Attack rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, without rest, however tired and hungry you may be, the enemy will be more tire, more hungry. Keep punching."

"In landing operations, retreat is impossible, to surrender is as ignoble as it is foolish. above all else remember that we as attackers have the initiative, we know exactly what we are going to do, while the enemy is ignorant of our intentions and can only parry our blows. We must retain this tremendous advantage by always attacking rapidly, ruthlessly, viciously, and without rest."

"In war the only sure defense is offense, and the efficiency of the offense depends on the warlike souls of those conducting it."