Friday, January 02, 2009

YouTube condemned over Nazi videos

From the Telegraph:

The website YouTube has been condemned for showing video clips which appear to glorify Nazi troops.
Nazi leaders in a still from one of the YouTube videos

The scenes, which are accompanied by militaristic music, have drawn millions of hits.

YouTube, which hosts film clips from the public, has 2,880 items on the Waffen SS, the most fanatical of Hitler's soldiers who were indicted for war crimes throughout the Second World War.

The entries have a string of 'Sieg Heil' comments and praise for the fighting prowess of the Waffen SS, recruited for their dedication to Nazism.

The videos, some from Nazi propaganda news reels, have provoked the anger of Jewish organisations which called for YouTube to remove the "hugely offensive" postings, including one that features the headline 'Hitler Was Right'.

Senior Liberal Democrat MP Susan Kramer was shocked by the content and the amount of SS sites on YouTube.

"Glorifying the Waffen SS or Hitler in any way is sickening," she said. "YouTube must understand its responsibilities. They should be hunting this type of material down if they want to maintain any credibility."

Yes, it is true that YouTube hosts these videos and that is a shame. But, why is the world not condemning the equally shameful Jihado-Nazi videos posted by supporters of Hamas, Hizbollah, Islamic Jihad, etc.?

I guess it's bad to be a Nazi in the past, but ok to be a Nazi in the present.


andre79 said...

Nazis didn't have oil or shares in Youtube.

Pastorius said...

I wonder if YouTube is a Sharia-compliant investment.