Tuesday, May 12, 2009

CAmp Liberty Shooter Was Muslim

Received this in an email from Her Royal Whyness:

The Camp Liberty shooter was muslim according to BBC Arabic report‏

Subject: The Camp Liberty shooter was muslim according to BBC Arabic report

BBC Arabic is saying the the Iraqi Army claims that the perpetrator was a Muslim, in fact the Imam at Camp Liberty's mosque. Heres the link:

http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/arabic/news/newsid_8044000/8044972.stm The relevant paragraph is the third from the bottom. However, if you put it into Google Translate, is trips over one of the attached prepositions and translates "as an Imam" as "Komam."

العراق: جندي امريكي يقتل خمسة من زملائه Iraq: U.S. troops killed five of his colleagues
قتل جندي أمريكي خمسة من زملائه رمياً بالرصاص في قاعدة عسكرية في بغداد حسبما أعلنت وزارة الدفاع الأمريكية. U.S. troops killed five of his colleagues was shot dead at a military base in Baghdad, according to the U.S. Department of Defense.

وأضاف مسؤولو البنتاجون أن شخصين آخرين أصيبا في الحادث وقد اعتقل منفذ الهجوم. Pentagon officials said that two others were wounded in the incident, was arrested the bomber.

وذكر بيان عسكري صادر في وقت سابق أن الحادث وقع في معسكر الحرية بالقرب من مطار بغداد الدولي حوالي الساعة الثانية بعد الظهر بالتوقيت المحلي (11:00 بتوقيت جرينيتش). The military said in a statement issued earlier that the incident took place at Camp Liberty near Baghdad International Airport at around two in the afternoon local time (11:00 GMT).

وقال البيت الأبيض إن الرئيس الأمريكي باراك اوباما صعق من أنباء "المأساة المفزعة". The White House said U.S. President Barack Obama, shocked by reports of "terrible tragedy".

وأضاف المتحدث باسم البيت الأبيض روبرت جيبس أن اوباما يخطط لمناقشة هذا الحادث مع وزير الدفاع. The White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said Obama plans to discuss the incident with the Minister of Defense.
وقال جيبس إن اوباما "يتعاطف مع عائلات وأصدقاء جميع الجنود المعنيين بهذه المأساة الرهيبة". Gibbs said that Obama "sympathizes with the families and friends of all the soldiers involved in this terrible tragedy."

من ناحيته اعرب وزير الدفاع الأمريكي روبرت جيتس عن "حزنه وأسفه العميق" بسبب الحادث. For his part, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates expressed "sorrow and deep regret" over the incident.

وأضاف جيتس في مؤتمر صحفي "يمكنني أن أؤكد لكم أن ما جرى سيكون موضع اهتمام كبير في الوزارة". Gates said at a news conference: "I can assure you that what happened will be the subject of much attention in the ministry."

ووقع الحادث في عيادة طبية حيث يتلقى الجنود المساعدة بشأن قضايا شخصية أو بسبب الضغوط الناتجة عن العمليات القتالية. The incident occurred in the clinic, where soldiers receive the assistance on personal issues or because of pressures resulting from combat operations.

وهذه ليست المرة الأولى التي يطلق فيها جندي امريكي النار على رفاق له خلال السنوات الأخيرة. This is not the first time a U.S. soldier fired at the running mates in recent years.

وكان قد صدر حكم بالاعدام عام 2005 على جندي قتل ضابطين وجرح 14 آخرين من رفاقه مستخدماً بندقية وقنبلة يدوية في معسكر بالكويت. He had been sentenced to death in 2005 of a soldier killed two officers and wounding 14 others of his colleagues, using a rifle and a hand grenade at a camp in Kuwait.

وتقول ناتاليا انتيلافا مراسلة بي بي سي في بغداد إن الجنود في معسكر الحرية ظلوا يتمتعون بجو أكثر استرخاءاً خلال الأشهر الأخيرة. Natalia says Antilava BBC in Baghdad, said soldiers in the camp of the freedom they had enjoyed the atmosphere more Astrechaoua in recent months.

ويعتبر هذا الحادث الأسوأ الذي تتعرض له القوات الأمريكية في العراق منذ 10 ابريل/ نيسان الماضي، عندما لقي خمسة جنود مصرعهم بواسطة قنبلة في مدينة الموصل شمال البلاد. This is the worst accident suffered by American forces in Iraq since April 10 last, when at least five soldiers were killed by a bomb in the northern city of Mosul.

وفي وقت سابق من مايو/ أيار الجاري قتل رجل يرتدي زي الجيش العراقي جنديين امريكيين رمياً بالرصاص وجرح ثلاثة آخرين في قاعدة بالقرب من الموصل. Earlier in May this man was killed wearing Iraqi army uniforms shot dead two U.S. soldiers and wounded three others at a base near Mosul.

وذكرت تقارير الجيش العراقي أن مرتكب الحادث جندي يعمل كأمام في مسجد بالقاعدة العسكرية. The Iraqi army reported that the perpetrator of the incident, a soldier working in a mosque Komam military base.
وقال المتحدث باسم الجيش الأمريكي الكولونيل جون روبينسون "في أي وقت نفقد واحد منا، فإن هذا يؤثر علينا جميعاً". He said U.S. military spokesman Colonel John Robinson, "at any time we lose one of us, this affects us all."

يذكر أن الولايات المتحدة تنوي سحب قواتها القتالية من العراق بحلول اغسطس/ آب 2010. The United States intends to withdraw combat troops from Iraq by August 2010.

موضوع من BBCArabic.com The subject of BBCArabic.com


Total said...

The military charged a soldier named Sgt. John M. Russell for the fragging incident. He doesn't sound like a Muslim to me, just a nutjob (not that there's that big of a difference).

midnight rider said...

Total -- I saw that. Not sure how correct our info is other than BBC Arabic reported it.

Anonymous said...

"This is the worst accident suffered by American forces in Iraq"

Accident? Must be the BBC reporting.

Pastorius said...

Well, a guy named John Russell could also easily be named Mohammed Akbar.

For God's sake, look at the NBA. A lot of those guys have Muslim-style beards, but there's not a Muslim name among them.

Shaquille O'Neil is a Muslim, but he has an Irish name.

midnight rider said...

John Walker Lindh also comes to mind.

Adam Gadahn another.

Almost Ali said...
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Almost Ali said...

"Shaquille O'Neil is a Muslim, but he has an Irish name."

Unfortunately, Shaquille O'Neil is also a buffoon - his primary attribute.

Pastorius said...

Yes, Shaquille is a bit of a buffoon. However, I also think that, in his way, he is a genuinely good human being.

When Hurricane Katrina leveled New Orleans, Shaq put together a convoy of trucks to take food and supplies down to the people, and he helped load the trucks himself.

As Bill Clinton said of Mother Theresa, it's hard to argue with a life well-lived.

That being said, "Hey Kobe, tell me how my ass tastes."


Pastorius said...

By the way, Almost Ali, what do you think of Shaq's charity in New Orelans?