Saturday, May 16, 2009

Chapter 127,394, In Which We Receive Yet Another Message From A "Moderate" Muslim

This is really friggin' funny, if you have a nihilistic sense of humor like I do.

This message was posted in response to Citizen Warrior's article, "A Message To Moderate Muslims":

For the "An Infidel Message
To Moderate Muslims"

The very "erotic dream" 

Volume 5, Book 58, Number 238:
Narrated 'Aisha: 
That the prophet said to her,
"You have been shown to me twice in my dream. I saw you pictured on a piece of silk & someone said(to me), 'This is your wife, when I uncovered the picture, I saw that it was yours. I said, "if this is from Allah, it will be done"

Not to be forgotten, this conversation took place between a man & his wife. 
This is whats written in 
Quran about him & this is what is recorded in Hadith as his words.

People object on marriage of a 3 yr old. What have they to say of a rape of a 3 yrs old, it has taken place already in the East & in the West. Why not a marriage of a 3 yrs old? 
What the problem is?
It might be just ones own heart creating problem even when the situation is not bad alot.

Despite the misconceptions & the allegations that the "atheist" makes on the "modern muslim".
He does pass one sensible message, The muslims are responsible, the muslims need to cut down the roots of those who picture & play ISLAM as to their desire. 
Even though its Muslims who are dying by other religions & above that they're also being blamed & burdened with allgations. Muslims actually need to cut it down. To make a stand. 
From my side, my sincre thanks to that "atheist" for the good side of the message in his/her video of 
"An Infidel Message
To Moderate Muslims

Peace to all 

Thanks for clarifying that for us, Peacemaker.

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