Friday, May 15, 2009

The Good Holocaust Denial

From Bill Warner:

The Good Holocaust Denial

The German Holocaust created Israel and the modern Jew. Although not all Jews agree on the truth of the Torah, all Jews agree on the German Holocaust. To deny the truth of the Holocaust is a crime in Germany. German Holocaust denial will even get the ire of the cultural Jew who never crosses the threshold of the synagogue.

Notice that the term German Holocaust is used, not Holocaust, because there is a much earlier Holocaust that occurred under Mohammed in Arabia. But as we will see, the German Holocaust and its basis in a totalitarian ideology can be criticized, while the political ideology of Islam is beyond the pale of critical thought. We may savage the Nazi and his ideology, but the Muslim and his ideology of political Islam has to be respected with the silence of deliberate ignorance-denial and justification.

Since the German Holocaust is the standard of suffering for modern Judaism, it is interesting to use it as a measurement of the Arabian Holocaust.

There are two different Korans-an early one written in Mecca and a later one written in Medina. In Mecca, Mohammed claimed to get his Koran from Gabriel, a Jewish angel and portrayed himself in the line of Jewish prophets. Indeed, that was his proof of being a prophet; he was just like the Jews.

When Mohammed arrived in Medina, which was half Jewish, the Jews informed him that he was not a prophet of theirs. The Koran changed its attitude, and Jews became the object of hatred. Indeed, as a measurement of that hatred, 10.6% of the Koran written in Medina is about Jew hatred. Using the concept of the German Holocaust as the reference, it should be noted that 6.8% of Mein Kampf is about Jew hatred. Conclusion: the Koran written in Medina is more filled with Jew hatred than Mein Kampf. Here is one of the more egregious verses:

Koran 2:65 We [Allah] said to them [the Jews], "You will be transformed into despised apes." So We used them as a warning to their people and to the following generations, as well as a lesson for the Allah-fearing.

But the Koran is only 16% of the sacred texts of Islam. The Sunna of Mohammed is found in the Hadith (his traditions) and the Sira (his biography). In the Sira, 5.3% of the Medinan text relates to the destruction of the Jews-assassinations, executions, rapes, torture and exile. Then there are many other pages that are verbal violence against the Jews. If you add the verbal violence to the physical violence, the Medinan Sira is 8.6% Jew hatred. Mein Kampf is 6.8% Jew hatred. Conclusion: the Sira (Mohammed's biography) contains a greater percentage of Jew hatred than Mein Kampf.

When we come to the Hadith, we do not have such high percentages of text related to Jew hatred; but here are two examples:

Muslim Book 042, Number 7135 Mohammed: "A tribe of Jews disappeared. I do not know what became of them, but I think they mutated and became rats. Have you noticed that a rat won't drink camel's milk, but it will drink goat's milk?"

Muslim Book 041, Number 6985: Mohammed: The last hour will not come unless the Muslims will fight against the Jews. The Muslims would kill them, until the Jews would hide themselves behind a stone or a tree. The stone or a tree would say: Muslim, there is a Jew behind me; come and kill him. The tree Gharqad would not say, for it is the tree of the Jews.

What was the result of all of this hatred? Mohammed killed, enslaved, tortured, exiled, robbed and raped all of the Jews of Medina and then went a hundred miles away and attacked and destroyed the Jews of Khaybar. After he had taken their wealth, tortured the Jewish leader to death, and laid out the jihadic rules of rape for women, he made the Jews of Khaybar a new type of half-human-the dhimmi. The Jews of Khaybar became semi-slaves of Islam. They could keep their Jewish culture in the home and synagogue, but they had to pay a 50% tax and live under Islamic rule without civil rights. Finally, when Mohammed lay on his deathbed, he exiled all Jews and Christians from Arabia. There are Jews still in Germany today, but Arabia is Judenrein and has been for 1400 years.

And what do Jews, Jewish leaders and Jewish organizations say about the Arabian Holocaust? They deny it absolutely and categorically. They even deny that the subject of the Arabian Holocaust even exists.

Examine the case of the survival of Israel. Since so many liberal Jews deny the existence of the Arabian Holocaust and the Islamic Jew doctrine, they are incapable of answering the question: Who is the enemy of Israel? Jews cannot connect the dots from Mumbai to Israel and how Kashmir and Israel are the same struggle.

The Jews and Israel are losing the propaganda war. Modern wars are won in the propaganda arena, not with guns and bombs. It is the media that determines who is the victor, not the dead body counts. This started in Vietnam and has been true ever since.

Islam knows how to fight a propaganda war. The Holocaust has become the propaganda tool of victory in the hands of Islam. Islam mocks the Holocaust and turns it on Israel, saying that Israel is the Nazi state.

The Muslims of Gaza know that their war is an extension of the Arabian Holocaust and refer to it in their propaganda. Mohammed's destruction of the Jews is their ideal and goal. They see Israel as Khaybar. They know that one day the Jews of Israel will be their dhimmi servants again and so they chant: Khaybar, Khaybar. Oh, you Jews! The army of Mohammed is here for you.

Since Jews refuse to recognize their enemy, Islam, they can never defeat them. When given the choice of acknowledging the Arabian Holocaust (and the Jew hatred doctrine) and saving Israel, far too many Jews choose denial. Jewish/Israeli propaganda is weak and only operates in the defensive mode. They do not have an offensive propaganda campaign, because they do not have a doctrine to base it on, nor are they clear on who the real enemy is.

The Islamic propaganda war will destroy Israel's allies in Europe and the US. When American support of Israel goes, there goes Israel.

Read the whole thing.


Total said...

Too bad the army of Mahound completely abandoned the Palestinian cause, giving them nothing more than verbal support. They know where they stand in a confrontation with Israel. The army of Mahmoud (Amadinejad) may be another story, but Arabs have only supported the Palestinian cause with words. To be honest, I don't understand how moderate Iranians would even give a shit about the Palestinians considering they share no common culture, history, or really anything whatsoever. Iranians have their own significant domestic problems and I'm sure the middle class is pissed off about focusing on Palestinian issues over domestic ones. As for the annhilition of Israel, it is true and imperative that the Jews must realize the threat they face on a daily basis. Fortunately, history is on their side as we have been persecuted for the last 4,000 years and have persevered against all odds time and time again.

Anonymous said...

Many people expect a miraculous Israeli victory in this next confrontation.

I don't know, but I surely hope so.

Seems like her entire history has been miraculous, though, as Total mentions.


Epaminondas said...

Psalm 121, probably written about 1000 BC

"Behold, He who keeps Israel Shall neither slumber nor sleep."

Good call, Dave