Sunday, June 14, 2009

Iran: Clashes Within

Excerpts from today's Washington Post story:
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad declared a "new beginning" for Iran late Saturday after he was declared victor in the presidential election, but as he spoke on national television violent demonstrations rolled through several areas of Tehran. Supporters of defeated candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi burned dumpsters, threw stones and clashed with police in the worst rioting in Tehran in many years.
What new beginning is Ahmadinejad talking about? The same mullah-controlled thug will be at the helm of Iran. Supposedly, he had a landslide victory:
The Interior Ministry, controlled by Ahmadinejad, announced that he had been elected in the first round with 62.6 percent of the vote, compared with less than 34 percent for Mousavi, who was the leading challenger. Turnout was a record 86 percent of the 46.2 million eligible voters.
Oh, really? Check out this information about the 2005 election, which brought Ahmadinejad to power. Should we believe that this 2009 election was run with more integrity?

According to today's Washington Post:
Announcement of the results triggered protests throughout the day. Families lined the streets in the middle-class neighborhood of Saadat Abad, cheering on the demonstration and shouting, "Death to the dictator!"


Talks between Iran and the United States are still a possibility with Ahmadinejad at the helm. On several occasions, he has said he wants such talks. His oft-repeated verbal attacks on Israel are not expected to change.
So, no fresh start, really.

The White House released a two-sentence statement...

In Tehran, Mousavi's whereabouts were unknown. Reporters on their way to a news conference by the former candidate were stopped by security personnel, who said the meeting had been canceled. Several journalists were beaten.


"We are hopeful," Ahmadinejad said during his speech. "Now it's time to move on and continue to build our great Iran."
In essence, Ahmadinejad is speaking of change and hope. No wonder BHO cuts him so much slack.

With all this unrest over the election in Iran going on right now, BHO's weekly address was about healthcare reform, also the topic on lead page at the White House web site. Not a word of support for the oppressed people of Iran. Does that community not matter to him?


revereridesagain said...

CNN has the Ahmadhimmijerker's absolutely enormous victory rally up live, with commentary by one of his arrogant little flunkies, who says "we are in a mightily strong position" and the Americans are going to talk nice with us. The Obama administration has "hinted that he would be willing to reconsider... the stance that the West had previously adopted." I'm typing this live. Listen to what he's saying: we are so strong that no country, including the US, dares to attack us. "We would like to establish friendlier ties with the rest of the world, but not as a lesser partner."

Ahmadinejackoff is about to speak.

These people throw a much messier rally than the Nazis did. It's a flag-waving mob instead of Nuremburg. All that is cosmetic.

Go over to CNN and watch this. We are seeing history repeating itself.

And I guarantee you that 99% of any people you ask today if they watched this will give you a blank look and go "huh"?

What will it take to wake them up? Something like it took on 12/7/41. 9/11/01 unfortunately did not do the job.

"They will come around and they will talk to us."

revereridesagain said...

CNN has the Ahmadhimmijerker's absolutely enormous victory rally up live, with commentary by one of his arrogant little flunkies, who says "we are in a mightily strong position" and the Americans are going to talk nice with us. The Obama administration has "hinted that he would be willing to reconsider... the stance that the West had previously adopted." I'm typing this live. Listen to what he's saying: we are so strong that no country, including the US, dares to attack us. "We would like to establish friendlier ties with the rest of the world, but not as a lesser partner."

Ahmadinejackoff is about to speak.

These people throw a much messier rally than the Nazis did. It's a flag-waving mob instead of Nuremburg. All that is cosmetic.

Go over to CNN and watch this. We are seeing history repeating itself.

And I guarantee you that 99% of any people you ask today if they watched this will give you a blank look and go "huh"?

What will it take to wake them up? Something like it took on 12/7/41. 9/11/01 unfortunately did not do the job.

"They will come around and they will talk to us."

revereridesagain said...

Sorry about the double posts, I don't know why that's happening but if you have access to CNN live please go watch this speech. We are seeing something terrible happening.

Always On Watch said...

Is the video posted on CNN?

Always On Watch said...

I'm watching/listening now.


We're headed for a world war.

Always On Watch said...

Check out this post at Jihad Watch.

revereridesagain said...

OMG. At this point I don't feel I'm sticking my neck out in predicting that either they will attack Israel or Israel will attack them first because they know they are now all alone.

SHAME on everyone who has let this happen.

revereridesagain said...

Cripes, this is straight out of Hitler's speech book. Just change "Volk" to "Ummah".

"You will crush all the idols across the world."

"The time for competition is over." Want to bet that was the last election to be held in Iran for the foreseeable future? Sounds like he's planning a "cleansing" of the opposition.

I have to go work at the antiques group shop. Want to bet I don't hear one word all day from anyone about this? Heads still stuck in the sand...

Always On Watch said...

I heard most of the speech.

1930s redux!

revereridesagain said...

I'm back home because I got my work-for-rent day at the shop wrong again. Bibi's on now but the translater needs to speak louder because I'm having trouble hearing what she says he's saying.

Give 'em hell, Bibi.