Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Is The U.S. "One Of The Largest Muslim Countries In The World"?

83% of us proclaim ourselves to be Christians.

But, that didn't stop Seizer O'Bumma from proclaiming we are "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world."

In his dreams, I guess.

Problem is, he has the power to go some way to making his dreams become reality.

I do not believe Obama is a Muslim Manchurian Candidate, but I do believe he loves Islam, and identifies it with much that is good in the world. And, I believe he also subscribes to the "Can't we all just get along" theory of Geo-politics, which seems to stipulate that if we were all forced to live together and acknowledge each others "common interests", we would, indeed, be able to get along.

Therefore, wishes are fishes for Obama. The man seems to really want us to be more Muslim, because, you know, then we'd like Islam better, and Islam would have an opportunity to show itself for the nice religion he believes it to be.

When are we going to wake up and see that Seizer is playing the closing Adagio of Western Civilization on his violin?

Enough already.

Barack Obama told a French Canal Plus reporter that the US is one of the world's largest Muslim countries:

The US ranks way down the list at #41 among countries with Muslim populations-- behind Kazakhstan, Guinea and France.

Hail Seizer!

Roger Simon adds this:

Obama practices taqiyya on French TV

Le Monde is reporting that Barack Obama told France’s Canal + Tuesday that “les Etats-Unis sont l’un des plus grands pays musulmans“. My French is not as good as it used to be, but I sure know what that means without recourse to a dictionary or Google: The United States is one of the largest Muslim countries on the planet.

Is that the USA of the 57 states?

I guess it depends on what your definition of “one of” is. According to Wikipedia, the US ranks thirty-eighth with a Muslim population of some 4.5 million (about one and half percent of our population - others, such as Pew, see it as even smaller). Indonesia is first at over two hundred and seven million.

Our leader goes on to remonstrate with our citizenry about educating ourselves about Islam, which is, in his words, a religion that has always “evolved along with progress.” I suppose that’s true if you disregard women’s rights, gay rights and the basic democratic need for the primacy of state law for all citizens, not to mention a host of other values we could group under the rubric of the Enlightenment. 

The problem with Obama’s implication that we are not educated about Islam is that he is dead wrong. Many of us now are - by necessity. We know the difference between the Medina and Mecca Korans (and their views of jihad), between Sunni and Shiite and so forth. We also know what dhimmi law is… and taqqiya.

For those of you who have missed it, here is a definition of taqiyya - again from WikipediaThe word “al-Taqiyya” literally means: “Concealing or disguising one’s beliefs, convictions, ideas, feelings, opinions, and/or strategies at a time of imminent danger, whether now or later in time, to save oneself from physical and/or mental injury.” A one-word translation would be “dissimulation.”

The WikiIslam defines it as “sanctified hypocrisy.” That is Barak Obama to a T. He uses taqiyya constantly, as on French TV when he claimed the US was one of the biggest Muslim nations, and recently to avoid having our government adhere to agreements it made with the state of Israel during the Bush administration. Or maybe it was our State Department practicing taqiyya in his behalf. In any case, it comes to the same thing.

UPDATE: The CIA Factbook has the Muslim population of the US even lower at 0.6%. Whatever the case, it’s small. 

MORE: It turns out may have been confusing Muslim with Buddhist. Again according to Wikipedia, the number of Buddhists in the USA is 6,039,800.


midnight rider said...

"I do not believe Obama is a Muslim Manchurian Candidate, but I do believe he loves Islam, and identifies it with much that is good in the world. And, I believe he also subscribes to the "Can't we all just get along" theory of Geo-politics"

EXACTLY! And why I keep saying this man will get us all killed.

I foudn that curious. Muslim second largest religion in U.S. Maybe. But if you combine all the Christian denominations as one, it pales in comparison. For now.

Epaminondas said...

You are a disturbance to the body, Pasto and MR, you will be absorbed into the good, and become one with it.


Pastorius said...

I'm guessing there are more Mormons in the United States, by far, than there are Muslims. But Mormonism is classified as a Christian religion.

What's more, if you added up all the crystal-worshipping, tarot card-reading, palm-gazing New Agers, you'd also find that Paganism is more than alive and well in the U.S.

Also, judging by my neighborhood, there are an awful lot of Buddhists and Hindus in the U.S. as well.

Pastorius said...

Thanks for bringing me back down to Earth, Epa.


midnight rider said...

Epa's The Central Scrutinizer!

Always On Watch said...

Will anyone in the mainstream media hold BHO accountable for this statement?

Or will the mainstream media just nod in a kumbaya manner?

Will the sheeple just go along and believe what BHO said?

I think we here at IBA know the answer to those three questions.

jeppo said...

Obama spoke too soon, but thanks to all the open-borders fanatics and mass immigration cheerleaders in both parties, America will indeed soon be one of the world's largest Muslim countries.

But you should welcome this because, after all, America is a nation of immigrants, right? America NEEDS immigrants, right? Diversity is strength, right? Lucky for you tens of millions of Muslims will be immigrating to the US in the next couple decades to enrich your nation. Better that than leave yourself open to charges of racism, ethnic nationalism, nativism, xenophobia, etc. by opposing mass immigration, right?

Immigration apologists (you know who you are) have encouraged the growth of Islam in America from a few thousand Muslims 40 years ago to a few million today. So if you want to know who to blame when the US becomes one of the top 5 or 10 largest Muslim countries in the near future, look in the mirror. But I'm sure you'll never admit that the open-borders policies you enthusiastically supported were a mistake: Better a dhimmi than a "racist", right?

Pastorius said...

Right. Does that mean you have forgotten the conversations you and I have had on this subject?

jeppo said...


I know that you're no fan of Muslim immigration. But unless we get serious about immigration as a whole, i.e. by reducing it by 80% - 90%, then tens (hundreds?) of millions of Muslims will end up here in short order. If we want to stop the runaway growth of Islam in the West, then we have to put a permanent end to mass immigration.

Right now I'm watching your president give his speech in Cairo. Amongst the usual dhimmified blather, he said that he wants to expand student visas for Muslims to come to the US, like how his father came. Funny, he didn't mention the fact that most of the 19 Sept 11 hijackers came to America on student visas as well. That pretty well sums up the elites attitude towards our security: Don't worry, be happy, more immigration and more Islam is our inevitable future, and only paranoid racists see any danger in this.

Epaminondas said...

The central fact of Obama's existance is


History, facts, science, these are all secondary to their need to hew to the proper dialectic

I saw Bill Maher try to use Thomas Jefferson's letters (Jefferson fervently believed in God, and JESUS, but TOTALLY mistrusted the MEN who organized religious beliefs, and enforced them) as some kind of proof this is not a Christian nation .. perfect example of the dialectic trumping all. Not factual, not historic, but true to what must be 'correct think'.

Arguing that this is NOT a christian nation in any way .. 'the sky is green ..what r u gonna believe or your lying eyes? I promise you a release from the worries of reality ..listen to me when I tell you it's green'

Pastorius said...

Well put. That is what he's doing, isn't it?

Pastorius said...

There is, in my opinion, too much immigration in America. And, it is a very disorderly process, where immigrants are not even required to take tests on American History or the Constitution, and they are not required to swear allegiance to our country.

However, your conflating Muslim immigration with immigration from other countries leaves me cold.

I don't understand your motives. And, I wonder whether you could even articulate them for me.

You're taking several issues and turning them into one issue.

1) immigration as a whole as it exists today in America

2) Muslim immigration

3) an orderly immigration process, like the one my wife and her family followed in order to gain citizenship

And, look, I'm not going to argue for our President's policies. Obviously, I don't get along with his ideas.