Sunday, June 14, 2009

Moloch Demands Blood

We say it often here, when Muslims do not have Infidels around to kill, they will set on each other.

Here a young man asks a British convert to Islam (who has since become some sort of respected cleric), why is it we can not have peace between Muslims?

His answer is, essentially, because many Muslims are Infidels.

Yes, Molcoch needs blood. Get Moloch blood.


Damien said...


Well I have better way of explaining this sickness than Molcoch wanting blood. Islam is a strict absolutist, Utopian religous ideology, that views everyone as falling into one of two camps, pure good (the Muslims) and pure evil (everyone else), who must be made to convert, submit or die, in order to bring about its Utopian vision. It expects its followers to behave exactly the way it tells them too. Muslim fundamentalists hate Infidels, and anyone who they think doesn't think and act exactly the way they think Islam tells them to one hundred percent of the time. Its doubtful this Abdur Raheem Green even behaves exactly the way Islam or prophet would want him to. In some cases, that might not even be clear. Some other Muslim Jihadists, perhaps with an even stricter interpretation of the Koran and Hadith than the one he has, would regard him as an Infidel. Truth be told, even the strictest, most brutal Islamic regimes often have trouble enforcing Sharia. I've heard stories about members of the Taliban, hypocritically violating Islamic law, making some exceptions for themselves. The only way, Abdur or anyone else can make everyone, live according to Islamic teachings is by force, and even than he and his fellow jihadists, will fail to make everyone into "good Muslims," no matter how ruthless or determined they are. Plus, all Islamic regimes are theocratic dictatorships, whose dictators may decide that someone isn't acting Islamic, just because its in their interest to do so. Since the Mullahs or king or who ever has absolute power, really, what's to stop them?

Damien said...

Truth be told, that he maybe overthrown, by other fanatical Muslims, and replaced by someone else, but even than, what's to stop another group of Jihadists from seeing him as a wolf in sheep's clothing, for not always following Islamic law perfectly.

Anonymous said...

If this 'More Muslim than Thou' aspect of their insanity could be worked upon, we kuffars could induce such states of paranoia that we could probably get most of the Umma to self-destruct without our raising a finger.

Pastorius said...

You said: I have better way of explaining this sickness than Molcoch wanting blood. Islam is a strict absolutist, Utopian religous ideology, that views everyone as falling into one of two camps, pure good (the Muslims) and pure evil (everyone else), who must be made to convert, submit or die, in order to bring about its Utopian vision. It expects its followers to behave exactly the way it tells them too. Muslim fundamentalists hate Infidels, and anyone who they think doesn't think and act exactly the way they think Islam tells them to one hundred percent of the time.

I say: I agree with you. That is a better way to explain it.

Pastorius said...

I agree. And, that's one reason why we ought to be exploiting the current conflict within Iran.