Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tehran Tienanmen?

From John Podhoretz at Commentary:

For more than a decade, we’ve been hearing about the real Iran—the one whose youth is Westernized, desirous of connection with the United States, and tired of living in a theocracy. 
It’s too soon to know whether the protests today in Iran represent the fruition of the ideas about popular sentiment and the possibility of an uprising. But it is clear that this is a time of testing for the idea that the mullahcracy can be shaken to its foundations by an aggrieved populace. If it can’t, then the regime will prove itself stronger than some of its most heated critics say it is, and the world will have to adjust accordingly. 
If this is Tienanmen II, and the regime crushes it, there will be no easy approach to regime change. And there will be no pretending any longer that Iran’s regime isn’t a unified, hardline, irridentist, and enormously dangerous one.


Damien said...
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Damien said...
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Damien said...
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Damien said...


Don't count on all our leftists, including Obama, not pretending that Iran's regime isn't, a unified, hardline, irridentist, and enormously dangerous one. To tell the truth, many of them will still believe Iran can be reasoned with, after they crush all decent. Many radical leftists still think that Communism can work, despite all the evidence that it is doomed to failure.

Damien said...


By the way, sorry about making so many mistakes and having to rewrite and delete so many times.

Pastorius said...

The thing that is amazing to be is the nihilism that is involved in the right-wing blogosphere's collective declaration that this is a non-story.

The right-wing blogosphere is doing what the Lefties did during the Cedar Revolution and the original Iraqi elections. They are watching the potential for Freedom and saying, "It won't work."

That's not the stance to take.

The story here is NOT Mousavi.

The story here is the people of Iran. The human beings who make up the Iranian population. These people matter. They are making it clear they don't want things to go on as they are.

We should be exploiting that. We aren't. And, the right-wing blogosphere is ignoring it, which is the same thing Obama is doing.

Fucking ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

What if a victory for "moderate" Islam in Iran ultimately delayed the coming East-West clash - thereby bolstering the destructive effects of the continuing demographic jihad?

We may come to miss the good old days of dinnerjacket clarity.

Pastorius said...

There is no moderate Iran available by election. Mousavi is a radical. He was chosen by the Mullahs, ergo he is a radical.

That being said, it would not help our cause if he appeared moderate enough to help Obama along in his "negotiations".

So, your point is well-taken.