Thursday, July 09, 2009

Encroachment of Sharia in America

Hat Tip: Islam in Action


Captain USpace said...

Great and revealing video. The Sharia Finance angle to Jihad. Possibly $3-4 TRILLION in Sharia compliant funds! Scary.

Btw, this comment form is better, good move.


absurd thought -
our supreme God says
let religion control ALL

including ALL the money
penalize borrowers

Pastorius said...

I can't tell you how happy I am that Dick Morris, a lifetime Democrat, has come out on our side on this issue.

He is basically echoing everything people like Robert Spencer, Walid Phares, and Daniel Pipes have been saying all these years.

This may not seem very significant, except when you consider what may happen were any of us to be brought up on "hate crimes" charges.

When you can back yourself up with the words of one of Bill Clinton's principal advisors, it's a bit hard for them to work with the same asinine "extreme right-winger" paradigm.

Anonymous said...

Although he mispronounces the word "IMAM" as "IMAN", this guy actually sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

I haven't heard of his book "catastrophe", (no wonder, I live in the middle east!) but anyone know who it is that is in the process of filing a lawsuit against AIG? Also, shouldn't they be doing the same with Citibank and others that received government funding? Citibank, especially here in the middle east, has one of the biggest Islamic Banking systems along with the Saudi American Bank which is the Saudi name for Citibank--which is completely Islamic.

Anyway, I like how the guy presents the Islamic threat! Its scary but the general public and MSM needs to face the truth!

christian soldier said...

I remember references to this in the book _Alms for Jihad_ banned (burned) by its publisher -Cambridge Press due to pressure from a follower of Islam in England..
_Funding Evil_this book can still be purchased - I think...
Both books are excellent reads and both came under fire from Islamists ...

christian soldier said...

USpace-where have you been! :-)

Pastorius said...

Avenging Apostate,
I think he's saying, "eee-maaam".

He just doesn't pronounce it the Arabic way, eee-mom.

Pastorius said...

Yes, US Space, it is good to see you around.

I was just checking out your Haikus today.

Very cool.

Damien said...

Carlos Echevarria,

This is scary stuff, that deep down inside I wish was not happening, all the more reason to thank Dick Morris for having the courage to talk about it.

nunya said...

I have 'Alms for Jihad' in my text library: Git sum.