Friday, July 03, 2009

UPDATED: Hilton Hotels Will Host Conference on "The Fall of Capitalism - The Rise of Islam"

Date & Venue: Sunday, July 19th 2009 11AM - 5 PM Hilton Hotel Grand Ballroom 9333 South Cicero Avenue Oak Lawn, IL 60453 THIS TRAILER IS PRODUCED IN THE USA.

Boycott Hilton Hotels.


Update to this post:
The event has been cancelled that was mentioned in previous communication, however we believe the video is being used as a message to Muslims for a possible mega terror attack on US soil or US interests as the video says in Arabic "Good News coming soon for Islam" and on another web site the same person that posted the video states that July 5th will be a great day for Islam which was posted 5 days ago. The source of the posting lives in Australia which is a day ahead of us here in the USA, which strongly suggests that there will be a major attack on July 4. Hopefully the US security forces will find and eliminate the possible potential attack(s). We immediately reported our findings to the FBI and requested them to check using their sources the people that posted the video and their connections.

Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Foundation


Damien said...


Even if these weren't Islam-o-Fascists and were just run of the mill Marxists, Isn't it Ironic that the Hilton is Hosting a meeting calling for the downfall of Capitalism?

Anonymous said...

Update to this post:
The event has been cancelled that was mentioned in previous communication, however we believe the video is being used as a message to Muslims for a possible mega terror attack on US soil or US interests as the video says in Arabic "Good News coming soon for Islam" and on another web site the same person that posted the video states that July 5th will be a great day for Islam which was posted 5 days ago. The source of the posting lives in Australia which is a day ahead of us here in the USA, which strongly suggests that there will be a major attack on July 4. Hopefully the US security forces will find and eliminate the possible potential attack(s). We immediately reported our findings to the FBI and requested them to check using their sources the people that posted the video and their connections.

Keith Davies
Walid Shoebat Foundation

Pastorius said...

Yeah, Damien. It reminds me of the quote from Karl Marx that Capitalism contains the seeds of it's own destruction.

Damien said...


It seems there maybe a disturbing kernel of truth in that.

Pastorius said...

Could be, Damien. It doesn't seem like a very good way to call for attacks, though, if you ask me.

Damien said...


I'm not sure that they would openly call for attacks at the conference. They might, than again, they might use coded language, but either way, I think we have a good idea of what kind of trash would be emanating from the speaker's mouths at this "Fall of Capitalism and Rise of Islam" conference.