Wednesday, July 08, 2009


Atlas has the continuing reports on the Iranian Revolution:

We should be running guns to these reformers and fighters:

11:27 am: AM ET -- Protesters urged to carry roses as weapons. The Los Angeles Times reports:

One video making its way around the Internet shows demonstrators how to make devices to disable the motorcycles used by truncheon-wielding Basiji and Ansar-e-Hezbollah militiamen. 

The marches, which are taking place amid continued political discord over the June 12 election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, are  meant to mark the 10-year anniversary of the storming of Tehran University dormitories by pro-government militias and subsequent weeks of unrest. 

The circular urges marchers to avoid wearing the green that has become the official color of the Mousavi campaign or "flashy make-up" in order to demonstrate the marchers' serious intent. 

It suggests demonstrators leave cellphones and jewelry at home and carry only an identification card and relatives' phone numbers. 

If protesters decide it's too risky to take part in the rally, the circular advises them to walk or drive around in their own neighborhoods, flashing the "victory" sign with their fingers.

Keep quiet under all circumstances, the circular advises those planning to march in Thursday's unauthorized demonstrations in Iran cities.

"The heaviest weapon to carry is one rose in the hand," it says.

There's more. Go read the whole thing.

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