Sunday, July 19, 2009

Who Do Muslims Really Worship?

On July 2, 2009 Times Online published this article: The Moon: Gods, myths and legends. This article just mentions Rick Stroud’s (the author of “The Book of the Moon”) 12 favorite moon gods. I didn’t comment on or write anything about this particular news article so far because I was waiting to see if there’d be any riots that would follow.

It has been 17 days and not one single country had something blown up or people in the streets yelling “death to times online”. To be honest, I am disappointed. This is not what I expected of Muslims—just going peacefully about their lives is so un-Muslim whenever anyone says anything that Muslims don’t like. I would hardly think that Muslims believe Allah was a moon god or a “descendant of a sort” of a moon god!

I thought about why Muslims were not saying anything but it didn’t take a lot of thinking for it to sink in that there weren’t going to be any riots about this article because it didn’t say anything about Mohammed. Muslims are known to jump up in a frenzy if anything is said about Mohammed that they don’t approve of. If you talk about Mohammed...

Read the rest over at PI.

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