Sunday, September 13, 2009

The 912 March on Washington: Photo Essay 1


I was there at the 912 March on Washington with my husband, The Beak, my student MJB, and some blogging friends.

Folks, this event was huge! So huge, in fact, that the march had to begin at least an hour early because protesters were jamming the streets and side streets of Washington, D.C.

The mainstream media and even some in the alternative media are not recognizing the importance of the 912 March on Washington! Astroturf, not.

BEGIN PHOTO ESSAY (all photos unedited)

The following picture taken at the statuary on the west edge of the Capitol Hill Lawn doesn't show the crowd but expresses the sentiments I saw from many of the protesters:

The pictures below were taken during the march itself:

At the footsteps on the west side of Capitol Hill:

A vista view looking toward the west side of Capitol Hill:

A sea of people covered the area from Capitol Hill to the Washington Monument! Furthermore, more protesters covered many of the side streets.

All worn out, Mr. AOW and I headed back to Union Station around 2:00 PM. People were still arriving from Union Station and from buses which had finally made their way through the traffic jams on all the roads feeding into our nation's capital!

ABC News estimated the numbers before everyone had arrived. The estimate is low. I know this for a fact because the estimate was announced as people were still streaming in, getting as close as they could to Capitol Hill.

I've lived in the D.C. area all my life and tell you that I've never before seen any event like this here before.

As soon as possible, I will be posting additional photos at my site

Important! Please see this post by Pastorius.


Anonymous said...

im disturbed that a long time blog I have frequented for news that doesnt get msn coverage seems to be focusing on downplaying this in the face of mounting facts of scale size and numbers to the contrary, and,

focusing on the smallest possible contingent of nuts that may have showed up in such a way as to cast the whole event as ominously extremist.

left wing events full of bussed in paid whackos who dont have jobs and are profesional protestors, are loaded down with crazies with crazy messages and are by definition extreme, becuase the overwhelming majority of the people attending are extreme.

it is obvious that the nuts neither ran this event or overshadowed this event with thier presence Im finding it sad and disconcerting that charles is covering the event by doing those two things.

is message outwardly is he's covering this with the same eye he did the left wing protests and that hes exposing this in the same manor as those and he hasnt changed, its only that too many feel this is thier side now and dont want any criticism, I listened to that apparently reasonable interpretation of his reporting and commentary direction, but it has become increasingly difficult for that argument to hold water with me.

I also commented last week or so, that although I believed at the time that there was not enough evidence in for me to see van jones as an admitted truther, it was hard for me to beleive that soem one who travels in the fringe of politics like van jones (and thiers no denying that) could not have known the political and philosophical persuasion of the poeple who were asking him to sign thier petition,

that I was incredulous of him being in the dark or naive to what he was signing or at the very least who was asking him to sign,

charles and charles alone down dinged that comment.

it seems that too much time is spent at lgf discussing how reasonable they are (charles core constituency) and how crazy everyone else is, regardless of the overwhelming facts.

Anonymous said...

So let's stop talking about LGF. This person (Charles, is it?) apparently does not support the freedom movement.

So whatever he was post 9-11 (and apparently he was a big deal, because people seem obsessive about him) he no longer is.

He sounds like a liberal who temporarily saw the danger, but who finds actual conservatives pretty repulsive, and so has now repudiated any and everything the so-called "conservative movement" supports, regardless of the merit of the positions.

Pastorius said...

As I wrote here last week, Charles spent a bunch of energy on the Van Jones is not a Truther bit.

So what?

Van Jones called himself a "rowdy Black Nationalist" and was a member of a Communist Party dedicated to the overthrow of the American government.

Those two things overshadow whether or not he was a Truther.

The idea that Obama would appoint a self-avowed black nationalist to his de facto cabinet is downright frightening.

We now know Obama is ok with Black Nationalism. One must wonder if Obama is, indeed, a supporter of Black Nationalism.

Imagine if we had a white President appointing a White Nationalist, like oh, say, David Duke.

We would think he was a dangerous President, right?

Anonymous said...

Pastorius its just one of those things. and all of that is true, and more important.

Unknown said...

I was also there on 9/12 and have some pics that I could share that will show the sheer volume of people there. It was amazing. And you are exactly right ... the MSM is definitely downplaying the numbers. Youtube has a time-lapse aerial view of the march from 8:30 - 11:30. It is amazing.