Sunday, September 13, 2009

ABC News Denies That They Reported 1.5 Million People Attended Yesterday's Rally

ABC News is denying they said there were 1.5 million.


The Washington Post is saying there were about 60-70,000.

Check this out.

From Michelle Malkin:

Yes, the picture is real, nutroots

By Michelle Malkin • September 12, 2009 10:51 PM

I was offline for most of the afternoon and early evening — and just learned that the nutroots are claiming that the screenshot of the 9/12 march in D.C. that I posted — taken from a livecam of the event that I linked to here— is somehow “fake.”

The claim is that the shot came from the Kennedy procession or a previous left-wing protest and that the flag at half-mast proves that it was “fake.”

Newsflash for the clueless: Flags were still at half-mast earlier today in honor of the murder victims of the 9/11 jihadi attacks.

Guess the 9/11-was-an-inside jobbers are still that much in denial.


Yes, this is real:

And so is this:

Shut your eyes at your own peril.


More “fake” photos via El Marco:

And from reader Hardtorn:


Let’s go back to the screenshot:

Reader Rosemary e-mailed a link to USAToday’s National Mall/crowd estimate schematic, which it published in January to show how the Park Service estimated inaugural crowd attendance. It’s a helpful guide:

1 comment:

LL said...

They can spin the numbers all they want.

To the Administration & Congress: The time for honoring yourselves and thumbing your nose at the American people will come to an end. Pass your socialist agenda, promote your Marxist philosophy and you will pass from the public arena. Your memory will be one of corruption and one of resolve that you and your ilk will never again be allowed to gain a foothold in America.

sic transit gloria mundi