Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Ain't That America

I love this video. To me, this video says so much about America and Americans.

Do you agree? What do you think?


Northman said...

It says, sure thee are a lot problems in the world, i.e., deteriorating society, fucktard jihadis, socialist jackass in the white house, economy in the toilet, etc. What's really important is that Michael Jordon was bald and some athlete I've never heard of would just really like to hit a random bar patron. Thanks sports, you keep the sheeple grazing and oblivious in the rich grasses of the old nuclear waste dump!

Pastorius said...

Wow, that's not the way I saw it.

I see it from this perspective. Here you've got a Jewish comedian, and a black Christian athlete, and they can totally have a great time together. They understand each others cultural references very well.

That's America.

That's awesome to me.