Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Caveat Emptor

He is more comfortable among those who hate what to them must be the old white slave owning men - wrote and said.
He is more comfortable among those who hate what the men of Harry Truman's time did, and what Ike's men brought about
He is more comfortable among those who hate what individual ability and invention achieve, because they believe it must be at the expense of the masses.
He is more comfortable among those who hate the free enterprise at the heart of the drive for property, and believes free enterprise and property anti democratic (since all men would vote themselves the
property of others if they only could).
He is more comfortable among those who believe economic cycles can be stopped.
He is both the tool of and attempts to use the most cynical progressive forces on earth today, all of which are propertied, rich in money and manpower and both antiliberal and anti-individual.
He is certain of the right and thus rouses his followers with exhortation to confront wrong, certain that wrong can be beaten down by community action.
He is equally certain that what the old slave owning white men wrote, support the wrong.
He is more comfortable cheerleading others, and believes as do the Mullahs, that 'right' cannot lose in the end.
The others he surrounds himself with, need not be scrutnized by him or others since they believe essentially in his rightness, and the others wrongness.
The lie and disingenuous exaggeration are reputable tools in their struggle.
In their hands and for these purposes such exaggerations are seen to serve a greater truth and are thus not only acceptable, but also laudable.
And so for corruption among men who serve that purpose.
Thus in their world, there cannot be an objective reality, or any criterion which cannot move.

And now, slowly, some of the people begin to suspect
Something they cannot name yet is wrong
The milk doesn't taste bad, but what's that smell they think they might smell?
Did we check the date before that purchase?

Maybe not

1 comment:

Unknown said...

To go with your poem about the PC crowd, a PC quip.

Fred Astaire's partners did everything he did backwards and in heels!