Thursday, September 17, 2009

Dear Europe, WE'RE SO SORRY


Total said...

With President Obama in charge, we have essentially betrayed all freedom loving people in Eastern Europe. Unlike much of Western Europe, Eastern Europe generally still looked up to the USA as an essential ally, partner, and role model. Vladimir Putin is Barack Obama's biggest admirer.

Pastorius said...

I know I'm getting repetitious, but, well, GREAT POST, EPA.

Epaminondas said...

A disastrous day for america.

Not for missile defense, and what THAT means, but for the message sent about this govt and the people who elect it.

The effects of that will not be felt until NEXT TIME AROUND.

A disaster

Anonymous said...

unfortunately for america when it elects disasterous prisidents, the repercussions last many years after,

the repercussions from carter plague us even today...

Anonymous said...

Mozart Requiem Mass in D Minor VI - Confutatis and Lacrimosa"

English lyrics:

When the damned are cast away
and consigned to the searing flames,
call me to be with the blessed.
Bowed down in supplication I beseech Thee,
my heart as though ground to ashes:
Help me in my final hour.


O this day full of tears
when from the ashes arises
guilty man to be judged
O Lord, have mercy upon him!
Gentle Lord Jesus,
grant them eternal rest. Amen.

Stennis Standards said...

This President is Jimmy Carter on Steroids....

BabbaZee said...

An Open Letter To The Obama Administration From Central And Eastern Europe

The open letter to the administration of U.S. President Barack Obama appeared in the Polish newspaper "Gazeta Wyborcza" on July 16, 2009.

Leadership change is also coming in Central and Eastern Europe. Next to those, there are fewer and fewer leaders who emerged from the revolutions of 1989 who experienced Washington's key role in securing our democratic transition and anchoring our countries in NATO and EU. A new generation of leaders is emerging who do not have these memories and follow a more "realistic" policy. At the same time, the former Communist elites, whose insistence on political and economic power significantly contributed to the crises in many CEE countries, gradually disappear from the political scene. The current political and economic turmoil and the fallout from the global economic crisis provide additional opportunities for the forces of nationalism, extremism, populism, and anti-Semitism across the continent but also in some our countries.

May GOD forgive us