Thursday, September 17, 2009

Left-Wing Extremist

From Gateway:

Obama's Socialist Science Czar John Holdren in 1971: "New Ice Age" Likely

Apparently, Obama's socialist science czar has a long history of flawed alarmist views.

In 1971 he said a "new ice age" was likely.

Today Holdren believes that compulsory abortion may me necessary and decisive actionmust be taken to combat global warming.


Anonymous said...

why of course compulsive abortions may be necessary, its allways about killing the innocent and protecting the guilty/evil////////

no death penalty for for murderers, they may be innocent//

the innocent (read babies) arent innocent they are obstructions in their road to serfdom;_ylu=X3oDMTEzbDc1YmhsBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0RGUjVfMTIy/SIG=124qgurk3/EXP=1253283361/**http%3a//

and of coarse if one alarmist theory fails to catapult them into power and control over our lives and existence, chuck it and find a new one with more promise...

Pastorius said...

Yep, and they never apologize when they are wrong.

Even though they basically tortured me when I was a kid telling me shit like this. I took it seriously. I was afraid the world was coming to an end.

And now, they are doing the same shit to my kids.