Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Pamela Geller: I Won - Charles Johnson: Epic Loser

I was repelled by Johnson's smear campaign that began back in October of 2007 and was directed at Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, Gates of Vienna and Brussels Journal. Johnson's jihad (absolutely no link) has now grown to encompass the Tea Parties and every blogger to the right of the Puffington Host, where Johnson now gets most of his talking points. Johnson is now too busy bashing the Tea Party and Glenn Beck to worry about Islamic Jihad or make any effort to support its victims, such as Rifqa Bary. As he used to say: LGF hits bottom, digs.

Yes, I'm gloating. Vindication is sweet. Johnson's true colors are now common knowledge.

Pamela, take it away:

I won - ya fat rat bastard!

Game. Set. Point. Match.

I called it here. Took two years for everyone to catch up (the whole meltdown is here, scroll to the bottom to start and scroll up).

His campaign to destroy the most effective voices on the right from within has been completely exposed. He has been outed for the mole, the plant, the disinformationalist that he is, only a thick layer of green slime remains.

Heh, back at you.

Update: The Rottweiler rips "Excitable Chuckie" a new one. Blogger and U.S. Army officer John Rohan documents how asking Johnson questions he would rather evade is sufficient for getting the ban hammer at LGF.

Hat tip for graphic: Saberpoint


Epaminondas said...

No gloating required.
Long ago LGF faded from reality. I have no idea what wires are crossed over there, but it resulted in this..


He is so messed up that had I not heard DeWinter with my own ears utter some things, I'd be wondering about Vlaams and if I was wrong.

They are small part in this with their own domestic ideas
LGF is a diminished and irrelevant issue.

Too bad.

Best left on ignore.

Anonymous said...

Gloating may not be required, but it sure is fun. Seriously, LGF needs to be shunned by all right thinking people. It's now nothing more than a low rent Puffington Host. He's irrelevant. However, the sooner he's quarantined the better for the blogosphere's overall health.

Pastorius said...

I agree with you that Charles is off the rails, but I honestly don't understand how Pamela can declare, "I won - Game - Set - Match - Point".

What has been proven other than that Charles Johnson has melted down.

It has not been proven that the Vlaams Belang is a good, peaceful non-racist party.

It has not been proven that the Confederate flag is not a symbol of the Southern rebellion/secession, which was the result of the fact that they wanted to continue owning slaves.

And, while I think the EDL looks like a decent organization, I wouldn't stake my life on it at this point.

The Powerline post (and Charles' subsequent banning of Powerline), once again, only reveals the extent to which has gone off the rails.

This does not mean he was wrong on the original points he was trying to make.

That is illogical.

BabbaZee said...

He is so messed up that had I not heard DeWinter with my own ears utter some things, I'd be wondering about Vlaams and if I was wrong.

Epi this is a big problem
and think about this a minute

maybe on purpose

BabbaZee said...

realize I did that research in the first place because I did not believe him - he offered very flimsy proof in those first posts and the Swedish Democrats thing was totally unfounded

I then spent more than a year studying the own Peoples Firstly movements of the world

not fuckin good

BabbaZee said...

Pasto I put a new post up there but I gotta go now

Anonymous said...

Until last week I had never heard of the EDL. I no nothing about them. I find GoV and BJ to be useful sources of information on what's going on in Europe. If I remember correctly, this whole thing started over some anti-Jihad conference in Europe. I don't know much of anything about European politics. But, I do know a guilt by association job when I encounter one. My point is not to defend GoV or BJ, they have done that themselves. Frankly, I don't consider it a very important issue compared to the serious threats that face my country.

My original problem with Johnson was when he began smearing Geller and Spencer as fascists (seriously???). This was so obviously absurd that he should have lost all credibility right then and there. He did for me. That's why I still link to GoV and BJ. Besides being useful sources, I give them the benefit of the doubt since I don't have the time, inclination or language skills to investigate them on my own. I believe in the presumption of innocence.

The last straw for me was when Johnson began attacking the Tea Parties. Since I have participated in several Tea Party events, I do take this personally. It's all part of his standard MO. Now he posts far left talking points on a daily basis. His devolution began nearly two years ago and is now complete. If he is mustering the same objectivity towards GoV and Brussel Journals that he uses on Glenn Beck, the Tea Parties, Pamela and Robert Spencer, then I must discount everything he has posted in the last two years.

My view that LGF should be outed as a far left blog and shunned is based on American politics. Johnson smearing everyone on the right who is opposing Obama's agenda is the salient issue with me. LGF has become part of the far left media noise machine. In that regard, we have all lost. It is best to declare total victory, as far as outing Johnson for what he is, and moving on to the next fight.

BabbaZee said...

shunnnnnnn the unbeliever.

shunnnn - nah

Anonymous said...

Like Jekyl & Hyde, it's impossible to recognize any remnant of the current LGF - foreign to the domain circa 2004-2007. On a rare occassion I venture over to glance the ever dwindling linkviewer & recoil from the venum of surviving regulars who prowl the threads like rabid hyena, snapping at silly wannabe lizard newbies crossing into the echo-chamber of that feral assylum. That place has devolved into a certifiable nut house.

Pastorius said...

You said: Frankly, I don't consider it a very important issue compared to the serious threats that face my country.

I say: I can understand your perspective. I was invited to that Conference. I'm glad I did not go. I wouldn't want to be associated with the VB. I did not know going in that the VB would be HOSTING the event.

I've known about the VB since before I was blogging. A friend of mine lived in Antwerp and she told me of seeing the VB marching with anti-Semitic signage.

Pastorius said...

You said: My original problem with Johnson was when he began smearing Geller and Spencer as fascists (seriously???).

I say: I agree.

This is the way I think about it:

In my opinion, both Pamela and Robert are wrong about the VB. However, in my opinion, neither Pamela nor Robert are racists. I know them both, and I simply do not believe it based upon what I know about their personalities and what I know of their histories.

Pamela is friends with people of all colors, and for God's sake, Robert Spencer is a Jazz Musician and Jazz Critic.

I interviewed him about it on my radio show.

It's kind of hard to be a modern Jazz Musician if you don't like black people.

In fact, speaking as a Jazz Musician myself, I will say, being a musician in general opens up whole worlds for a little suburban white kid like me.

I've seen more, had more types of friends, and enjoyed more.

I have not ever known a white jazz musician who was a racist.


In the old days, apparently, guys like Stan Kenton did not hire black musicians, but that polarity broke down years ago.

Pastorius said...

I also agree with you about the Tea Parties. But, what ended him for me was his inane support of Van Jones.

It's gotten to the point where he has to prove he's right about something whether it fucking matters or not.

It doesn't matter whether Van Jones was indeed a Truther or not. Van Jones says he's a "Black Nationalist".

You don't need to know anymore.

Charles has become a very petty man, for some reason.

Anonymous said...

Aloha Pastorius,

As with EDL, I know nothing about VB, including how to spell it or what it means. I just don't think its right to smear everyone who did go to the conference as a racist, etc,. And you're right, Belgium politics doesn't interest me in the least. However, the Islamofication of Europe does seriously affect me and my country. Sometimes the enemy of my enemy viewpoint has to be operative. What I object to is Johnson's puritanical moralism and his inability to consider that honest people can disagree on that.

Anonymous said...

Back at you Pastorius,

I couldn't agree more with your last two posts. Nice to see how folks don't have to toe a party line to work together. Johnson should try learning from us on that one. :-)

BabbaZee said...

everything anyone needs to know about the VB but few ever really read



BabbaZee said...

Pastorius it is not racism but vanity that leads them into error

Anonymous said...

One final post on this, I promise:

In my statement above about the enemy of my enemy being my friend, I didn't mean to imply that this is or can be always the case. It's a judgment call and honest people can honestly disagree on who to work with on a purely ad hoc basis. As I wrote above, I know nothing about VB. However, I trust Pamela Geller and Robert Spencer enough to give them the benefit of the doubt. I know that they are fighting the good fight the best they can. And that is all anybody can ask.

BabbaZee said...

Epi Said




BabbaZee said...

navigating this shit will be like threading the eye of a needle with a cantaloupe

The information is there, if Pamela and Robert ever wanted to know who they are dealng with
Fact is they do not want to know

the road to hell is paved with good intentions

Pastorius said...

I wouldn't know, but I'm guessing the VB do not loom large on Pamela or Robert's radar. It's not what they are concerned with.

ropey said...

Finally, I just had to committ LGF suicide.... Enough of that megalomaniac....

506 rope_a_pope Tue, Sep 15, 2009 3:11:06pm replyquote

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Haven't been here in a while. Feels like I've entered some kind of a wigged out bizzaro world. WTF, did aliens eat CJs brain and crap it out? LGF is now a leftist paranoid website? So sad... What happened to the days when Charles only weirdness was his bigoted allegence to the Macintosh? All I can say is WOW... this is certainly scary...

jeppo said...

Howdy folks. I think I'm pretty much done arguing on behalf of an obscure Flemish separatist party. Hopefully we can agree to disagree about them and move on to something more current.

If it's any consolation, the VB lost ground in both the Flemish regional and European parliamentary elections a couple months back. I'm sure the Islamists and leftists are happy about that...but I digress.

But this debate was never about the VB alone, it was about the Brussels Counterjihad conference as a whole. Yes, Filip Dewinter attended, but so did

Pamela Geller
Robert Spencer
Paul Belien
Baron Bodissey
Bat Ye'or
David Littman
Patrick Sookhdeo
Ted Ekeroth
Andrew Bostom

and about 70 other leading anti-jihadist scholars, writers and bloggers. This is the group that Charles Johnson (an invited guest without the common courtesy to RSVP) tried to discredit because of the presence of VB members.

So the question is, Who gets to decide just who gets invited to these important meetings? And if people like Dewinter get invited, is the entire conference therefore tainted? And if so, then what exactly should the criteria be for admission to the respectable anti-jihadosphere? Which brings us back to the first question: Who gets to decide?

Anyway, I see BabbaZee has a post up about the English Defense League. Like most other people (I suspect) I don't know anything about this group. But it looks like we all best be hittin the books and gettin self-edumacated about them in a hurry. So we can have something new to argue about!


BabbaZee said...

Hiya Jeppo!

As you know I do not argue with anyone!


I'll check back here later in case someone argues with that


jeppo said...

Hi Babba,

I don't argue with anyone either.

I just parrot fascist talking points, then run away when challenged.

Gotta run!


BabbaZee said...


Anonymous said...

What all of you are overlooking concerning Johnson's loserism is that "the left" rewards failure...


Charles Johnson said...

You're all banned!!!

Epaminondas said...

Thank god now I can stop blogging

BabbaZee said...


Pastorius said...

I agree with most of what you wrote.

However, you said: Yes, Filip Dewinter attended ...

I say: Are you aware Vlaams Belang SPONSORED THE EVENT?

Pastorius said...

Have you bought any new pants lately down at our favorite store on Santa Monica Blvd.?

Charles Johnson said...

No, but I did buy a thong.

BabbaZee said...



jeppo said...


You wrote: Are you aware Vlaams Belang SPONSORED THE EVENT?

Didn't you see my reply to Babba?

"I just parrot fascist talking points, then run away when challenged."

See ya!


jeppo said...


Kiddo said...

Jeppo--thanks for the tip and all, but I can't take seriously any line claiming anyone is an "epic loser" with Pamela Geller as an option. Or were we all waiting for the "Batshit Crazy" award? Glaringly Botoxed? Eh, I'll stop, I need all the good karma I can collect for tomorrow, if bad karma can indeed be gathered by maligning Da Cougah.

Charles Johnson said...

Lex, your ability to reduce everything to personalities and adding nothing to a substansive discussion indicates that you're a minion in good standing. Give yourself a cookie.

Pastorius said...

This may be the funniest thread in the history of IBA.

My congrats to you all.

I'm sure we've managed to piss off everyone in the entire counter-Jihad blogosphere.

Jeppo, that link from the Other McCain was very funny.


Pastorius said...

I guess the only thing I can add is, isn't anyone going to rip on Robert Spencer so that he can once again get angry at me for being me, a fucking comedian who comments on political subjects?

By the way, once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away, I commented to Pamela Geller, "You know what I love about your style. It's that you don't take yourself too seriously. From where I sit, it seems like everything you say is both serious and a joke on yourself at the same time."

She replied, "That's right."

I hardly think she would reply that way now.

She takes herself way seriously.

It is a hazard of being in the kind of danger she is actually in. I have personal experience with the kind of danger she is in.

It will quickly make you lost perspective.

I know the stakes are high, we are playing not for money, but for the lifeblood of Western Civilization, but it would be nice if Robert Spencer and Pamela would groove on down and git' wit' it every once in awhile.

We didn't used to take ourselves so seriously, you know, us bloggers, us Pajama-folk.

Pastorius said...

It doesn't matter how fucking brilliant you are (and Spencer is brilliant and right 98% of the time) we are all just a bunch of fucked-up human beings.

Jihadists take themselves seriously, and that is what makes them so fucking funny.

They get angry over cartoons.

Pamela, Charles, and Robert have all veered close to that same edge, if you ask me.

But, what the fuck do I know? I'm a fucking clown.

BabbaZee said...

me too clown lol

I have bubble machine !

Epaminondas said...

I think it is necessary to separate personality from issues and the objective realities

Charles has turned out to be a gasbag who has to be right on everything and can tolerate no other opinion

Pamela has taken personal affront and now will never be free of it, and it colors her across the spectrum endangering her work

Robert Spencer took this as a professional smear (it was) and won't let go for that reason. He feels he cannot and legally he may be right. I cannot say.

Baron Bodissey reacted by allowing fascists to justify fascism on his site and said nothing about that.

I wish this to die.

Not one thing about this will ever be informative, helpful, or truly revelatory at this point.

I hope I can resist commenting again on this hideous issue which avails nothing.

BabbaZee said...

I wish this to die.

Not one thing about this will ever be informative, helpful, or truly revelatory at this point.


Pastorius said...

Great summation.

Anonymous said...

eppa ditto what pastorius said.

Pastorius said...

Oh, by the way, Epa says:

I hope I can resist commenting again on this hideous issue which avails nothing.

I say: Ay, there's the rub. Whenever anyone brings the subject up - as Jeppo does often, as other "Anonymous" commenters do, as Grant Jones did this time - I feel it my duty to say what I believe.

In this way, I am like Robert Spencer. Not in the sense that there are any "professional smears" against me, but in the sense that I feel it my duty to not allow untrue memes go unchecked.

That's why I can NOT resist the temptation to "comment again on this hideous issue".

BabbaZee said...

but in the sense that I feel it my duty to not allow untrue memes go unchecked.

again with the meme
meme shmeme and screw Dickie Dawkins who invented the term

That's all secular rational justification for practicing Lashon Hara, it is the I Me Mine.. no one talks about MEEEE that way...

I keep trying to tell people dude thrives on this shit, he LOVES the attention, he loves the petty yak yak back and forth, he loves to make people react

You want to shut him up go with the shun

shun the unbeliever.


IMO I am never to react to any people but only act on the word of GOD

People set up whole blogs just to whine about him lol
Believe me he loves it

I could give a rats as what he or anyone else says of me.

All I care is what GOD thinks of me.

I am not at home so I will see you tonight

Pastorius said...

Babba Zee,
What you say makes sense.

I guess it comes down to a matter of balance. How much is my duty to repair the world balanced with how much I can possibly do? And, how much should I concern myself with the untruths others spew?

Is it all God's responsibility, or is it also mine? And, if it is mine, how much responsibility is mine?

These questions are not simple to me. Good for you that they are for you.

BabbaZee said...

Is it all God's responsibility, or is it also mine? And, if it is mine, how much responsibility is mine?

These questions are not simple to me. Good for you that they are for you.

Lashon Hara
You never gossip about anyone or even listen to the gossip if you can help it

Even if the "gossip" is true

That makes it easy

By every word will a man be justifed
by every word will a man be condemned~ Very Famous Ancient Unhinged Loon of an Undead Jew

Anonymous said...

Move over Krazy Chucky. Here comes Insane P.I. Bill Warner: Racist Pamela Geller, Phony Khalim Massoud, Nut Job Joe Kaufman, Neo Nazi Geert Wilders, Robert Spencer Rejected by Academics, Jerome Corsi WorldNetDaily Loon Writer and Dave Gaubatz a white Supremacist, “birds of a feather, flock”.