Wednesday, September 02, 2009

RED ALERT: White House plans massive spidering operation of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, etc. looking for detractors

From Doug Ross:

Yesterday, The National Legal and Policy Center discovered an extremely troubling solicitation from the White House.

As if the administration's media specialists aren't in enough trouble -- collecting "fishy" email information on citizens, for instance -- a recent RFQ raises new and troubling questions.

NLPC has uncovered a plan by the White House New Media operation to hire a technology vendor to conduct a massive, secret effort to harvest personal information on millions of Americans from social networking websites... The targeted sites include Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, YouTube, Flickr and others – any space where the White House “maintains a presence.”

Note that this is third troubling development related to White House new media operations. The first controversy erupted after the administration began collecting information on critics of the Obama health care transformation program. The second related to spam emails sent by David Axelrod, an Obama senior adviser.

Now the White House intends to harvest vast amounts of data on American citizens who use social networking sites. The scope of the program as described in the RFQ is shocking:

• Capture of comments by detractors and supporters of Obama: the RFQ specifies that the White House will capture "comments by both Obama critics and supporters, with no restriction as to how the White House would use the information."

• Transparency: there is none. The RFQ includes "extremely broad secrecy terms preventing the vendor from disclosing to the public or the media what information is being captured and archived (page 7, “Restriction Against Disclosure”)";

• Collection of data on citizens: the RFQ prescribes a massive data collection effort including capturing of comments on any website or social networking service;

• Collection of any and all types of content: text, markup, graphics, video, audio, etc.

Think the NLPC is overstating things? Read the request for quote (RFQ) for yourself:

The contractor shall provide the necessary services to capture, store, extract to approved formats, and transfer content published by EOP on publicly-accessible web sites, along with information posted by non-EOP persons on publicly-accessible web sites where the EOP offices under PRA maintains a presence, throughout the term of the contract.... The contractor shall include in theinformation posted by non-EOP persons on publicly-accessible web sites where the EOP maintains a presence both comments posted on pages created by EOP and messages sent to EOP accounts on those web sites. Publicly-accessible sites may include, but are not limited to social networking sites. The contractor shall provide a user-friendly way of organizing and searching captured information...

...Capture of comments and publicly-visible tags posted by users on publicly-accessible websites on which an EOP component subject to the PRA maintains a presence. Vendor must be able to either:
(i) Capture all comments posted to a list of websites provided to vendor; or
(ii) Capture a sample of comments posted to a list of websites provided to vendor, according to a sampling methodology that will be provided to vendor and approved by EOP.

This RFQ is an outrage.

And this administration appears to be completely out of control.

Obama makes Nixon look like a rank amateur.


Anonymous said...

move fast move fast, disrupt everything, destroy everything, leave no time for the mainstream and traditionalists to react and to much to react to anyway.

sounds like a plan.

a disturbing development, left wing orgs have moved to have hundreds upon hundreds of species designated endangered.

where before these groups would pick one or two to focus on and champion, now they are trying to bumrush the system....

why does anyone here suppose they are trying to overwhelm and break down the system?

who told them to make thier move now?

who else has been trying to smash the system?

from the auto companies to the banks to the health care industry to the power production and electricity companies.

they are trying to bring this country to its knees.

Pastorius said...

You got that right.

More and more every week.

The appointment of Van Jones is an absolute outrage. I'm done with Obama.

Always On Watch said...


This is big trouble.

midnight rider said...

This is not going to end well. We're more than a year from midterms and already we've got the violence ratcheting up. Voight's right. We're headed for civil war or revolution (if Islam doesn't get us first). I know we don't want violence but I have a hard time seeing it end another way at this point.

You expect this in third world banana republics.

Anonymous said...

Is "Dissident" by Pearl Jam the new anthem for all of us "Right Wing Terrorists?"


Epaminondas said...

Everyone still think civil disobedience against those who believe we are right wing terrorists is the ultimate answer?

Think you will make the news getting stomped on by SEIU/Acorn?

Think civil behavior at tea parties will overcome non local MOVEON/KOS/HUFFPO SA zombies who stand up when you do to shout HEALTH CARE NOW to drown out legitimate questions?

I am NOT advocating violence but it doesn't take a lot of brains to see that civil discourse REQUIRES 2 civil sides. And if one side sets the example of flouting both discourse AND WHAT THE LAW REQUIRES via the constitution (written, I will remind everyone by what will be called property owning, slave owning old white men), then will the other side remain at such a disadvantage because they are non violent?

We may be against violence, but we are NOT non violent.

In 1789 civil discourse was possible
In 1860 it was not

If the people ever come to believe that this government governs without regard to their consent, opinion or their own thought of their own welfare, blogs about islam's dangers will be CHICKEN FEED we can see from the volume and direction of posts and comments.

The drumbeat of action by these self righteous, intolerant goons so sure that "WE" are "THEM" is starting to look like a self fulfilling prophecy.

Is there any wonder why those running the USSR ended up running a slaughter house with such self righteousness in their hearts?

Demint was right.

Obama must be broken and seen to be broken for the sake of the nation, and the constitution.

His ideas must be seen as discredited radicalism

Whatever must occur to make that plain is what must occur.

Fortunately, he seems to generate an endless supply of cause.

But do the mass of the people care?

They never do, but we can be CERTAIN of something...there is going to be moment, just as Sarah Palin's 'DEATH PANEL' comment represented, a moment when all this disgusting excess will make those people vulnerable.

Our job is to identify it, and ring the bells.

So that they can see the only alternative is to obey the constitution.

e of usa said...

Bummer, I guess I'll have to drop my memberships to Obama sucks and Pelosi sucks on facebook.

Pastorius said...

Great comments from Epa and Rumcrook.


Anonymous said...

Bush did the same. except his government admitted to spying on it's citizens for no legitimate reason, where was your false outrage then?

Pastorius said...

What did Bush do?

Anonymous said...

Under Bush there was a huge protest movement that was approvingly reported on by the MSM. There were lawsuits challenging portions of the Patriot Act and military commissions.

I agree that we should NEVER have created a new agency (there was a LOT of discussion as to whether the creepily named "Homeland Security" should even be created), and that a lot of the laws went way too far.

But there was real discussion about it, people took it to the Supreme Court, and the Bush administration did not demonize everyone who happened to disagree. Cindy Sheehan was invited to the WH, for pete's sake.

Code Pink and others rushed Condi Rice threatening her with "blood" and no one accused them of terrorism!! Movies were made about KILLING GWB. Posters were carried with Hitler and Bush with "same s*it, different a**h***" printed in foot high letters. Yet no one in the news acted like this dissent was anything but normal patriotic dissent.

So spare me the "false outrage" junk. The left did its job with Bush, and none of them were threatened by the "right wing machine."

It is our turn now. Can we dissent too, without being threatened with arrest, or called hideous names, please?

I didn't think so.