Thursday, September 10, 2009

Tom Friedman: Standard Issue Liberal Fascist

The masks are dropping. Behind the "democratic, caring" happy face of "liberalism" lies the visage of O'brien dreaming of a boot upon a human face ... forever. In today's New York Times Friedman hits an all new low with this love letter to the butchers of Tiananmen Square:
Watching both the health care and climate/energy debates in Congress, it is hard not to draw the following conclusion: There is only one thing worse than one-party autocracy, and that is one-party democracy, which is what we have in America today.

One-party autocracy certainly has its drawbacks. But when it is led by a reasonably enlightened group of people, as China is today, it can also have great advantages. That one party can just impose the politically difficult but critically important policies needed to move a society forward in the 21st century.
In order to defend the indefensible, this totalitarian gasbag quotes ... wait for it ... another eco-fascist:
“China is going to eat our lunch and take our jobs on clean energy — an industry that we largely invented — and they are going to do it with a managed economy we don’t have and don’t want,” said Joe Romm, who writes the blog,
Oh yes, that old "third way" argument. Since it's transparently obvious just how stupid - and morally depraved - this position is, it's equally obvious that human happiness and prosperity - much less freedom - are not the goals of the "third way" managed, economy crowd.

Nearly ten years ago Friedman stated his real motives for all the world to read. For the record, Tom Friedman is walking excrement. Let’s not forget how he responded to the thuggish actions of Billy Jeff and Janet Waco with their attack on the Constitution and common decency:
Yup, I gotta confess, that now-famous picture of a U.S. marshal in Miami pointing an automatic weapon toward Donato Dalrymple and ordering him in the name of the U.S. government to turn over Elian Gonzalez warmed my heart.

- Thomas Friedman , April 2000.
Friedman, like all Liberal Fascists, is in love with human suffering and death. If he thought he could get away with it, he would be at one of Castro’s torture chambers right now gleefully “helping” with the “cause.”

What George Orwell wrote about this totalitarian filth in 1948 still holds true:
Liberal: a power worshipper without power.

Power is not a means, it is an end. One does not establish a dictatorship in order to safeguard a revolution; one makes the revolution in order to establish the dictatorship. The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power.
The Progressive Credo.

Crossposted at The Dougout


andre79 said...

Today a British soldier died saving a journalist from New York Times. A journalist who, despite all warnings, went to a dangerous area and got kidnapped (the 2nd time the same journalist has been kidnapped). He was trying to report on the bombing of the fuel tanker taken by the Taliban over the weekend. No doubt trying to put all the blame at NATO/US etc.

revereridesagain said...

Pssst. Iowahawk duz Friedman. Check it out...