Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Truthers, Birthers and now ...RACERS

Here's how it goes ... someone dissents, loudly, and since no dissent can be factually accurate and therefore telling, there must be some other reason for dissent.

It can't be for the good of the nation, and it can't be for grandma (unless you are a dupe). So what drives the strongest, and ardent dissent?

Why it can only be one thing.

Those who dissent in theory from the philosophy of this 4 standard deviatons to the left of america group of utter radicals, and therefore most anything they attempt consonant with that theory MUST BE THAT THING.

Thus who distrust, MUST BE THAT THING.

Those who question authority ULTIMATELY, MUST BE THAT THING.

Joe Wilson. South Carolina. Belongs to 'Sons of the Confederacy' ...they like that flag, therefore functionally he must be ... that thing. He was mean to the mixed race daughter of the outright racist Strom Thurmond....it must be because he is .. that thing.

BIll Maher informs us that Van Jones, the 'dangerous negro of the week' should not have been abandoned by Obama. Since he was attacked by those who oppose Obama and therefore ... are that thing.

Charlie Rangel, heretofore, a respectable politician, blows the bugle about real oppositio to Obama being ..... that thing

Congresswomen who happen not to be causcasian, mutter that people who are against a president who 'looks like me' MUST BE THAT THING.

Columnists in the NY Daily News, NY Times, WaPo, Congressmen and women, (no senators yet, I think), pundits, and an ENTIRE CABLE NEWS NETWORK all have subscribed to this theory. Maureen Dowd managed to transmogrify the idiot (for other reasons) Mark Sanford's refusal to take federal stimulus money into ....that thing.

Now we're well on the way by repetition to the criterion for that thing.

Matt Welch:

The Center for American Progress, whose president headed up the new administration's transition team, warned that the rally was marred by signs that "were often racist, radical portrayals of Obama." Among the dozen or so pieces of evidence? A placard claiming, "Ayn Rand is right," and one of President Obama with the caption, "When his lips move . . . he's lying."

If calling the commander-in-chief a liar is the new racism, then Americans have been boiling in hate since long before we, uh, overwhelmingly elected a black president.

LATIMES on saturday's protest:Tea Party activists want to "convert the GOP into an almost exclusively white, zealously religious, mostly Southern party."

Dowd on Saturday:"Some people just can't believe a black man is president and will never accept it"

David Axelrod: 'I just don't believe that all these people at the town halls are truly representative of america'

Yet pushing back against this has been a disorganized mess. Why? MSM BELIEVES THE MEME. Cognitive dissonance. They paid a pretty penny in integrity and credibility for all this and even if someone in there somewhere is wondering what the hell is going on out on the mall between the Capital and the Washington Monument, since they in the MSM have to be right, there must be some underlying ugly id of a reason for all this,......... confusion about correctness. And the ideal group to score the biggest in push back against all this is firmly in Obama's philosophically dead ended pocket.

I absolutely believe that all these people are so unhinged, that they BELIEVE THIS. They think they are fighting the war to free the slaves and WE are Simon Legree, and Nathan Bedford Forrest and that at night in the dark we all meet and sing 'hurrah for the homespun dress that southern ladies wear'.

So we have the truth .. the birthing of RACERS.

The difference is that where truthers and birthers have become the hallmark of lunacy, RACERS are in a circle jerk of self aggrandizing, self reinforcing self righteousness.

Opposition is Racism.


Anonymous said...

Our messiah - the uniter - has his minions performing miracles!

tolerance, liberal style

Pastorius said...

Excellent post, Epa. One of your best ever.

Everyone in the blogosphere ought to read this.