Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Boiling Blood Fire From The Eyes

Put your coffee down. Hide away any sharp instrumentsor firearms. Then read on. . .

Gateway Pundit (h/t Christian Soldier)

Mysterious Group Buys Building Next to Ground Zero For Mosque
Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 11:58 AM
Jim Hoft

A mysterous Muslim group with unknown sponsors has purchased a building steps away from Ground Zero.
Hudson New York reported:

An identified group with unknown sponsors has purchased building steps away from
where the WorldTrade Center once stood — to turn it into potentially one of the largest New York City mosques.

At the moment the building, the old Burlington Coat Factory, already serves as a mini-mosque: an iron grill lifts every Friday afternoon for a little known Imam leading prayers a few yards away from where Osama Bin Laden’s airborne Islamist bombers killed nearly 3000 people back in 2001.

The Imam, Feisal Abdul Rauf, told the New York Times — which put the story on its front page Wednesday — that he has assembled several million dollars to turn it into ‘’an Islamic center near the city’s most hallowed piece of land that would stand as one of ground zero’s more unexpected and striking neighbors.’’

The 61-year-old Imam said he paid $4.85 million for it — in cash, records show. With 50,000 square feet of air rights and enough financing, he plans an ambitious project of $150 million, he said, akin to the Chautauqua Institution, the 92 Street Y or the Jewish Community Center.

The origins of such monies are unexplained; neither are the countries or entity advancing such huge donations. Most US mosques, including many in Brooklyn, Queens and the Bronx are funded directly or indirectly by Saudi Arabia the country to which 15 of the 19 hijackers who bombed the World TradeCenter belonged. The UAE, Qatar and Iran are other major sponsors across the USA.


Alexander Münch said...

I don't give a rotten shit about the Buyers !


revereridesagain said...

This is not acceptable. Which is all I have to say about it FOR NOW. There must be any number of ways for determined people to prevent the building of a mosque. Pity no one thought to render the present building "inappropriate" for Islamist "worship" before it came to this.

christian soldier said...

Thanks for the h/t MR-

Anonymous said...

im sickened.

there is only one reason they bought it.

to venerate the killers and assert thier ongoing offensive war against our culture.

thier will come a time when as thier plans come to fruition over the years where I would bet you could not even go to the world trade towers 911 memorial without suffering the verbal slings and arrows and maybe even assault by an overwhelming presence of muslim men akin to what you would go through to go into certain areas of france.

Pastorius said...

They're sticking their dirty asses in our faces. This is the ultimate assertion of Islamic supremacy.

This is open taunting. And, as Rumcrook says, it's also an attempt to venerate the killers.

Anonymous said...

Yeah why not is it not for a good purpose? To spread the the teaching of god almighty.. unlike the bunch of moronic retards that contrive to spread shitty stuff on this blog

Epaminondas said...
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