Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Wednesday, December 16, 2009, 6:18 AM
Jim Hoft
(Big Warning On Content)
We all know how the state-run media feels about Barack Obama but still you’d there would be someone in the democrat-media complex who would be outraged over these Fistgate reports on Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings.

Or, maybe they think that handing out fisting kits (or dental dam kits) and pushing children’s books that show adult men having sex while boy scouts watch to junior high students is acceptable? Maybe, like the folks at Media Matters, this is something they want for their children? Maybe that’s just how they roll? It is strange.

Yesterday we reported that Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was promoting a children’s book that detailed first-graders having sex. But, it didn’t stop there. As founder and executive director of the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN) Jennings approved of and promoted several filthy sex books for children. Scott Baker from and Co-Host of ‘The B-Cast‘ submitted a shocking report to Gateway Pundit blog back on December 4, 2009. The report detailed the reading list promoted to 7-12 grade students by Kevin Jennings’ GLSEN organization. This material has not been reported in detail at Big Government website. Remember as you read this that Kevin Jennings is today the nation’s Safe Schools Czar.

Here is what Scott Baker had to say about this vile material being pushed on children.

Safe Schools Czar Kevin Jennings was the founder, and for many years, Executive Director of an organization called the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN). GLSEN started essentially as Jennings’ personal project and grew to become the culmination of his life’s work. And he was chosen by President Obama to be the nation’s Safe Schools Czar primarily because he had founded and led GLSEN (scroll for bio).

GLSEN’s stated mission is to empower gay youth in the schools and to stop harassment by other students. It encourages the formation of Gay Student Alliances and condemns the use of hateful words. GLSEN also strives to influence the educational curriculum to include materials which the group believes will increase tolerance of gay students and decrease bullying. To that end, GLSEN maintains a recommended reading list of books that it claims “furthers our mission to ensure safe schools for all students.” In other words, these are the books that GLSEN’s directors think all kids should be reading: gay kids should read them to raise their self-esteem, and straight kids should read them in order to become more aware and tolerant and stop bullying gay kids. Through GLSEN’s online ordering system, called “GLSEN BookLink,” featured prominently on their Web site, teachers can buy the books to use as required classroom assignments, or students can buy them to read on their own.

According to GLSEN’s own press releases from the period during which its recommended reading list was developed, the organization’s three areas of focus
were creating “educational resources, public policy agenda, [and] student organizing programs”; in other words, the reading list (chief among its “educational resources”) was of prime importance in GLSEN’s efforts to influence the American educational system.

The list is divided into three main categories: books recommended for grades K-6; books recommended for grades 7-12; and books for teachers. (The books on the list span all genres: fiction, nonfiction, memoirs, even poetry.)

Out of curiosity to see exactly what kind of books Kevin Jennings and his
organization think American students should be reading in school, our team chose
a handful at random from the over 100 titles on GLSEN’s grades 7-12 list, and
began reading through.

What we discovered shocked us. We were flabbergasted. Rendered speechless.

We were unprepared for what we encountered. Book after book after book
contained stories and anecdotes that weren’t merely X-rated and pornographic,
but which featured explicit descriptions of sex acts between pre-schoolers;
stories that seemed to promote and recommend child-adult sexual relationships;
stories of public masturbation, anal sex in restrooms, affairs between students
and teachers, five-year-olds playing sex games, semen flying through the air.
One memoir even praised becoming a prostitute as a way to increase one’s
self-esteem. Above all, the books seemed to have less to do with promoting
tolerance than with an unabashed attempt to indoctrinate students into a
hyper-sexualized worldview.

We knew that unless we carefully documented what we were reading, the
public would have a hard time accepting it. Mere descriptions on our part could
not convey the emotional gut reaction one gets when seeing what Kevin Jennings
wants kids to read as school assignments. So we began scanning pages from each
of the books, and then made exact transcriptions of the relevant passages on
each page.

For today’s report we give you another of of GLSEN’s recommended books for 7-12 graders. This one had pictures–

For today’s report we give you another of of GLSEN’s recommended books for 7-12 graders. This one had pictures–
(An illustration about the change from “boy to man,” showing two Boy Scouts pointing at and looking at two adult men engaging in anal sex.)
In Revolutionary Voices – Page 104A work of art shows a Boy Scout giving a salute behind two men kissing passionately.

This book is promoted at the GLSEN website and can be purchased there.Could there really be any logical reason for recommending this book to children? Is this material really suitable for children? Is this supposed to build tolerance? Does this book really belong in our schools? Kevin Jennings thinks so.

Today Jennings is Barack Obama’s Safe Schools Czar.


revereridesagain said...

Signed it. With my town name in capslock. Our kids got the fisting kits back in 2001. The media needs to be kicked in the ass with this story until they finally turn around and pay attention.

mah29001 said...

I've heard there are quite a few Obama supporters crying wolf of homophobia over this.

Hey, if they really wanted to do something for homosexuals, they should first stop promoting Kevin Jennings and two, they should stop sending aid to Rwanda and Uganda which both are debating if the governments should put homosexuals to death.

Anonymous said...

sickening culture and very mentally sick bloggers..they should be given treatments similar to joan of arc in france..death by fire...

Pastorius said...

You got that right.

Of course, denying aid to Uganda would violate the Gramscian agenda, because this ain't so much about supporting gays and human rights as it is tearing down the Western power structure.