Friday, December 11, 2009

CAIR Attorney Demands Ban and Seizure of all Christmas Cards sent to Rifqa Bary

From Atlas Shrugs (click on title above to get the whole story):

Atlas angels make a difference. You must have made this young woman very happy.


First, thank you! G-d bless the wonderful Atlas readers for taking part in Atlas Christmas card campaign that kicked off here for Rifqa.

Rifqa banner

Our Christmas card campaign of support for Rifqa Bary has made the jihadists in America very angry. Un-indicted co-conspirator, Muslkim Brotherhood front CAIR is demanding This is simply the age old Islamic persecution of Christians.

Forces of evil cannot stop such goodness.

This cannot stand in America. Though I am glad we were so successful. There must be thousands if CAIR is twitching like this

Christmas cards can be sent to: Rifqa Bary c/o Angela Lloyd 255C Drinko Hall 55 West 12th Avenue Columbus, OH 43210

CAIR Attorney Demands Ban and Seizure of all Christmas Cards sent to Rifqa Bary


Youth can receive mail while detained. All mail must go through United Postal Service and cannot be delivered by hand or dropped off at the facility. All mail addressed to a youth who has been transferred or released will be forwarded. If no forwarding address is available, the mail shall be returned to sender. If mail is returned from the forwarding address, or there is no sender/addressee, the mail shall be discarded.

Mail is not read but will be screened for contraband items. Pictures, money, gang and drug symbols or writing is prohibited. If you have questions about what is acceptable, contact JDF Administrative Office at 462-4490.


Damien said...


Given the nature of CAIR, this doesn't surprise me in the least. If they were a genuine civil rights organization, and not a stealth jihad front, I doubt that they'd be demanding seizure of these letters. Of course if they were a genuine civil rights organization they wouldn't be doing a lot of the things they do.

Always On Watch said...

CAIR stoops to yet another low.

They must be very threatened by Rifqa and by Jesus, huh?

Damien said...

Always On Watch,

Actually they probably do feel threatened by Rigqa, If she wins this court case, think of what that might mean for their stealth jihad. The last thing the Islamists want is for people to feel like they can leave Islam and live. They don't want anything that will encourage people to reject Islam. They don't want poor Rifqa to get even the small amount of comfort these letters give her.

Always On Watch said...

Yes, youth can receive mail while detained. All mail must go through United Postal Service and cannot be delivered by hand or dropped off at the facility. All mail addressed to a youth who has been transferred or released will be forwarded. If no forwarding address is available, the mail shall be returned to sender. If mail is returned from the forwarding address, or there is no sender/addressee, the mail shall be discarded.

Mail is not read but will be screened for contraband items. Pictures, money, gang and drug symbols or writing is prohibited. If you have questions about what is acceptable, contact JDF Administrative Office at 462-4490.


Pastorius said...

You said: they probably do feel threatened by Rigqa, If she wins this court case, think of what that might mean for their stealth jihad. The last thing the Islamists want is for people to feel like they can leave Islam and live. They don't want anything that will encourage people to reject Islam.

I say: Great point, Damien.