Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Climategate: Barack Obama's rule by EPA decree is a coup d'etat against Congress


Why is it the British papers seem to understand Obama better than the American rags?

From Gerald Warner in the Telegraph:

Who needs tanks on the lawn when you have the Environmental Protection Agency? Barack Obama’s use of the EPA to pressurise the Senate to pass his climate change Nuremberg Decrees shows his dictatorial mentality. He wants to override Congress, which is hostile to his climate gobbledegook because it is representative of the American electorate, and sideline the nation’s elected Senators by ruling by decree, courtesy of the EPA. This is a coup d’état.

And what is the justification for this undemocratic action? The allegedly imminent threat from “Anthropogenic Global Warming”. There is always a supposed threat, when tyrants take the stage. The President of the United States has just reduced his moral authority to the level of any Third World dictator heading a “Government of National Emergency”. Fortunately, the world’s leading democracy, which he is trying to subvert, has guarantees of liberty so deeply embedded in its Constitution that US citizens are well placed to fight back.

Back in February of 2009, when the EPA first announced its intention to look into whether to regulate CO2 and other "Greenhouse Gases", the New York Times predicted EPA findings would have an effect on Copenhagen:

The Environmental Protection Agency is expected to act for the first time to regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that scientists blame for the warming of the planet, according to top Obama administration officials.

The decision, which most likely would play out in stages over a period of months, would have a profound impact on transportation, manufacturing costs and how utilities generate power. It could accelerate the progress of energy and climate change legislation in Congress and form a basis for the United States’ negotiating position at United Nations climate talks set for December in Copenhagen.

But, if the EPA decision to crackdown on Carbon was to, as the NYT says, "form a basis for the U.S. negotiating position" at Copenhagen, then why did they wait until the very day of the start of the Copenhagen summit?


As was revealed yesterday, rich countries are being encouraged to provide financing for poor ones at the Copenhagen summt.

I think it is safe to assume Obama knew of this agenda going into the summit.

But, if he was aware that rich countries would be asked to pony up funds for the poor countries, where did he expect to get the money?

Did he think Congress would vote to give American taxpayer's money to the United Nations?

No, I don't think Obama believed that was a possibility.

Instead, I believe Obama intends to fine businesses who violate the EPA's regulations on "Greenhouse Gases", and use the money from those fines as booty for "developing countries".

As Reliapundit wrote yesterday, Copenhagen is all about Socialism.


Obama knows American voters would not approve.

He knows Congress would be unlikely to vote for Worldwide Socialism given the huge uproar that would come from American taxpayers/voters.

So, he is going to just steal the money from the corporations that are the engine of our economy.

And, he is going to hand American money over to third world countries.

Or, so he thinks.

It will be more than interesting to see how this plays out.



Obama, in Shift, Expects Climate Deal at Summit

WASHINGTON -- The White House said late Friday that President Barack Obama now expects a "meaningful" climate deal at a United Nations summit in Copenhagen, possibly involving a commitment for rich nations to provide $10 billion a year by 2012 to help developing countries fight climate change.

The White House said the U.S. is prepared to pay its "fair share" of the $10 billion.

Reliapundit points out that the EPA can not write a check to the UN.

That is true.

But, that does not take away from the fact that Obama, somehow, believes he is going to be able to pony up this money.

Once again, I point back to the EPA ruling. That's where Obama thinks he's he's getting the money from.

After all, it's not taxes. It's only fines. Therefore, it does not belong to taxpayers.

That's how Obama thinks.


midnight rider said...

Obama has gone beyond mere Socialism. He has gone beyond a disregard for American Tradition. He is a threat to American Freedom and American way of life and a threat to Freedom throughout the world (such as it is).

Whether they are paying for it or we are this will diminish the quality of life for millions of people.


nations like China and Russia and India will pay good and convincing lip service but renege on it and we will be left holding the bag.

Either way, Obama's goal is the end of the United States as we know it.

I hope Congress gets a clue quickly and takes your idea of no confidence seriously because, if left to the people (once they get their minds off American Idle and figure out what's going on) this will not be pretty nor pleasant.

Pastorius said...

Gerald Warner predicts this EPA decree will be met with lawsuits and that it will wind its way through the court system for years.

I think it is clear Obama will do whatever he can to achieve his ends.

Can he do anything to override the legal system?

Can he put this in place until all the lawsuits wind through?

I have no idea.