Monday, December 07, 2009

Full Video of December 5 Protest Against KSM Trial Now Up at C-Span

A near-complete video is now up at C-Span of the 911 Never Forget Us rally in Foley Square, New York City, on December 5, 2009, to protest the decision by US Attorney General Eric Holder to bring the KSM terror trial to NYC. It runs about 90 minutes. Please take some time to view the addresses by Andy McCarthy, Brian Dennehy (reading a letter from the parents of Daniel Pearl), Debra Burlingame, David Beamer, Curtis Sliwa, and so many others who stood in the cold rain to speak out against the Obama administration's plan to give Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his fellow terrorists a platform to spew their radical Islamist poison and gain access to intelligence information that will help their fellow jihadists to plan another attack.

Thanks to deOris for the photos.

More photos available here.

deOris comments:

please visit

there will be another 9/11 protest at Ground Zero next Sat. at 12pm. Pix coming. thanks for the post.

here's the details on next Sat. "Stop Terror Trials in NYC" rally:
12:00 pm
World Trade Center
Liberty & Church Street

Event details:
Join our protest on Saturday December 12th. We need to stand up and tell Attorney General Eric Holder & Barack Obama that it is not ok to bring these terrorists to stand trial here.... Come to the Patriotic rally at the World Trade Center site (Liberty & Church St. New York NY 10006) Saturday December 12th, 2009 at 12:00 pm to protest the Obama administration decision to bring the 9/11 terrorist co-conspirators to stand trial on American soil.


revereridesagain said...

Sorry it took so long to post this, but it has literally taken 24 hours to physically recover from that cold drenching rain and the 4 hour drive back through a snowstorm. So now it's a quarter to midnight and I'm wide awake.

All of the speakers are worth hearing and some were extraordinary. My favorite was David Beamer, father of Todd "Let's Roll" Beamer, who channelled Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" speech and had us chanting "Stop This Attack!" and "Remove Eric Holder!"

I got there just at the start of Brian Dennehy's reading of a letter from Judea and Ruth Pearl, parents of Daniel who was murdered by KSM. (I think I can spot my little orange/yellow sign bobbing up a couple times, but basically, if you're short and surrounded by umbrellas, you're invisible.)

As the video goes on you can see people on the stage shivering with cold. I can't spot the point at which they had to drag off a "troofer" who rushed the stage, though it was pretty noisy at the time.

I'm not sure what to make of Zuhdi Jasser, who said all the nice words about all the good American Muslims out there but didn't bring any of them along to stand in the crowd with us.

Damien said...

Revere Rides Again,

I'm glad to know that we are not the only one's who care about this.

abdooss said...

I hope everyone remember that there is an ongoing War against Terrorism, but not another Holy War!
Those terrorists can and will come in any forms/faces/religions/races/nationalities.
We as Citizens of the World must be prepared!

skyMyrka said...

some pix from the event (includes arrest of 9/11 'truthie')

Pastorius said...

Thanks for going to the event and representing those of us who could not afford to travel across the entire country to attend.

revereridesagain said...

I'm glad I went, it was a privilege to be there with those people. (Only, I'm afraid to look at the car, I think it ate the windshield wiper blades on that drive home.)

Abdooss, it's been my impression that you're a "citizen" of the Ummah. That's not the world, Abdooss. Not yet, and not ever, if we have anything to say about it.

revereridesagain said...

WooHoo! Checked out the slideshow at picasweb and there I am, twice! Look for the yellow sign with "What Part of GUILTY Don't You Get", that's my hat in front of it, and further down there's the other side with "Obama + Holder = TREASON" and I'm sort of peering over it.

Hi, Ma!

Anonymous said...

Before the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed Circus comes to town attracting freak shows and illusionists to the midway, I thought the following information would be of interest:

Todd Beamer's memorial service was held on 09/16/01 at the Princeton Alliance Church in Plainsboro, New Jersey. Todd Beamer's wife, Lisa Beamer, a grieving mother of two and four months pregnant with her third child, registers TODDBEAMER.ORG four days later on 09/20/01, incorporates The Todd M. Beamer Memorial Foundation eight days later on 9/24/01 and then applies for the trademark "Let's Roll" ten days later on 9/26/01. Instead of acting like a wife and mother who should be experiencing untold grief and loss her behavior turns a catastrophic personal tragedy into a cold and calculating cheap publicity stunt. But then, the U S Government's 9/11 propaganda machine needed heroes as well as villains paraded through the media to support endless wars that murder indigenous people for control of their natural resources.

The most pivotal image of the events of 9/11 was what the Associated Press published as the photograph of United flight 175 frozen in time as it approached World Trade Center Two and credited to a Carmen Taylor. However, there appears to be a discrepancy in an early image of her and ones that followed. Real jet planes filled with fuel explode and break apart upon impact. They DO NOT mysteriously enter steel and concrete buildings like a hot knife into soft butter without a spark or bent wing tip. The following link elaborates:

skyMyrka said...

glad u liked the pix. email me on picasa, i'll send u the originals.

Good event. wonderfully organized.

Pastorius said...

I apologize. Forgive me, please.

I forgot to say thank you for the photos.

skyMyrka said...

r u kidding me!!
Also, readers, please visit

there will be another 9/11 protest at Ground Zero next Sat. at 12pm. Pix coming. thanks for the post.

abdooss said...

By saying I'm a "citizen" of the Ummah, what exactly do you mean?
Do you know that I avoid any Muslim groups to make sure I'm not associated to any controversial activities? shows that how religion is used and manipulated is still a real problem in my country..

skyMyrka said...

....err sorry about so many posts
here's the details on next Sat. "Stop Terror Trials in NYC" rally:
12:00 pm
World Trade Center
Liberty & Church Street

Event details:
Join our protest on Saturday December 12th. We need to stand up and tell Attorney General Eric Holder & Barack Obama that it is not ok to bring these terrorists to stand trial here.... Come to the Patriotic rally at the World Trade Center site (Liberty & Church St. New York NY 10006) Saturday December 12th, 2009 at 12:00 pm to protest the Obama administration decision to bring the 9/11 terrorist co-conspirators to stand trial on American soil.

also @revereridesagain:
C-Span did catch a little bit of the 'looney' incident (at 86:33). He jumped on a stage screaming in English that 9/11 was an "inside job"

revereridesagain said...

Thanks, deOris, I may do that! Great gallery of pictures, that.

Now, then...


How the hell do you know what real jet planes do when they hit steel buildings, asshole? Been planning to try it out for yourself? We have video of two real jet planes hitting two giant steel towers. All you have is your ignorance and your own sick fantasies.

Take your sorry troofer ass over to some ME hellhole, convert to Islam, bow your head to the dirt for their hellish god and stick your ass in the air 5 times a day and plan your date with your houris. I mean, at least be honest. You are as much the enemy as they are, and you are just the sort of human garbage they attract.


Knock off the taqiyya, the kitman, and the neverending bullshit. Islam is not being "manipulated". It is being put into practice in its most vicious, fundamentalist, Koran-compliant form. If you reject that, then say so clearly and unequivocably, I don't want to hear another word about "controversial". And I am a citizen of the United States of America. I am most emphatically NOT a citizen of any goddam Islamist state or any of their enablers.

I'm not the least bit interested in trying to "win Muslim hearts and minds", nor do I care to waste a single breath arguing with troofer scum. Debating with the enemy wastes valuable time and energy, neither of which I have to spare.

Pastorius said...

I believe you are a nice guy. You certainly seem like one. And, I'm happy to have you around. So, keep hanging out if you want to do so.

abdooss said...

Thank You for your kind words..
because of that, I'll stop sharpening my swords and halt those suicide attack..
until there's no more nice dudes like you..

Pastorius said...

Look at that, RRA, I saved us from yet another Jihadist attack.


abdooss said...


Whatever floats your boat..

Just don't expect another friendly reminder from the "enemy" if there's a leak in your boat..