Monday, December 07, 2009

Pedestrian Infidel: Finally Blocked By The UAE

We have finally been blocked by the UAE internet controlling authorities. Well, as I mentioned yesterday, my last post was our 1500th post. I guess we are considered a "threat" now. Oh well, can't go wrong there.

Pedestrian Infidel


Pastorius said...


You're now one of the few and the proud.


The Anti-Jihadist said...

Still not blocked yet in slightly less pious Malaysia...working on that.

abdooss said...

I'm from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.. :-)

Pastorius said...

Did you learn about us from Paltalk?

abdooss said...

No, I didn't..
One day, while browsing through the web, I stumbled across this blog & found out that you infidels are quite interesting, though goofy at times (I meant that as a compliment). So I have to postpone blowing myself up in the local Starbucks.. until this blog cease to amaze me.
p/s= who's Paltalk?

Pastorius said...

Paltalk is a social networking site. We have a lot of Malaysian readers who access us via Paltalk.

I'm glad we can keep you from blowing yourself up, if only for awhile.


abdooss said...

You mean THE Paltalk where we can hang ourselves up for others to see live?

Pastorius said...

I don't know. I don't use it.

But, whatever floats your boat.

abdooss said...

Just checking whether you knew that incident..

abdooss said...

Do you know that Malaysian Government was going to ban 'Offensive' websites a few years ago? Those deemed 'Offensive' among them are Nudity, Satanic elements, Blogs criticizing the Government, this Blog etc.. But then Cooler heads prevailed..