Monday, December 14, 2009

Indiana: Public School Wanted 2nd Graders to Sing "Allah is God"

From Fox:

A battle over religion is brewing in central Indiana after a public school wanted second graders to sing a song declaring, “Allah is God.” The phrase was removed just before the performance after a national conservative group launched a protest.

The principal of Lantern Road Elementary School in Fishers, IN, said they were trying to teach inclusiveness through their holiday production. It included references to Christmas, Hanukkah, Ramadan, Las Posadas and Kwanzaa. However, no other deity, other than Allah, was referenced in the show.

Here’s what the children were assigned to sing:

“Allah is God, we recall at dawn,
Praying ‘til night during Ramadan
At this joyful time we pray happiness for you,
Allah be with you all your life through.”

But when it came time to perform the “Christian” part of Christmas, children were assigned to say:

“I didn’t know there was a little boy at the manger. What child is this?
I’m not sure if there was a little boy or not.
Then why did you paint one on your nativity window?
I just thought if there was a little boy, I’d like to know exactly what he (sic) say.

In email correspondence the school initially defended the reference as a way to be inclusive of all religions. However, once complaints starting rolling in, school leaders decided to eliminate the Allah reference.

That drew the ire of the Muslim Alliance of Indiana. “It’s unfortunate if that was removed from the program just because of Islamophobic feelings,”Shariq Siddiqui told the Indianapolis Star. “Schools are a place where we should learn more about each other rather than exclude each other based on stereotypes and misconceptions.”


Damien said...


Just imagine if the School wanted him to sing a song about Jesus? Yet did Jesus call for killing people who rejected him? I checked out the ACLU's Website and found nothing. Do they not care about this clear violation of the establishment clause? Also, Where is Americans United For The Separation of Church And State on this? Yet this is a violation of the separation of church and state, just as surely as requiring the students a public school to sing a song about how Jesus is their lord and savior. I checked out their website and found nothing! I've asked this question before, but I will ask it again. How long before before Muslims try to have their version of Creationism taught in a public school science class? Oh and when that does happen, will Americans United or the AClU, finally stand up for the Separation of Mosque and state as well, or will they just act like it isn't happening?

Damien said...

Do they not care when the people in question combining religion and state are Muslims? I guess not, unfortunately.

Damien said...


By the way just out of Curiosity, I decided to look at more liberal websites to see if I could find any of them speaking out against this. I checked out liberal viewers page, but found nothing on these kids being told sing Allah is god. However, I did find this interesting video.

Pastorius said...

That's cool, Damien. Thanks. It's nice to hear the ACLU stood up for that cause.

Damien said...


You're welcome!