Friday, December 18, 2009

Parents of Rifqa Bary ask court to hold her in contempt to force her to attend counseling sessions with Muslim counselor

From Jawa (click on the title above to see the whole thing):

...and the counselor they demand she attend filed an affidavit in support of Rifqa being held in contempt!

The next episode in the legal battle between Muslim-turned-Christian convert Rifqa Bary and her allegedly abusive parents will occur next Tuesday in an Ohio courtroom. As I reported last Friday, one of the issues that will be heard by the court is a motion by the CAIR-appointed attorney to the Bary parents demanding that all Christmas cards sent to Rifqa be banned, and any cards she has already received be seized. On Monday, we provided clear evidence of CAIR's backstage handling of the media in this case.

Another issue next week will be another motion filed by the Bary parents asking the court to hold Rifqa in contempt for refusing to attend counseling sessions with a Muslim counselor. Amazingly, the counselor that the Bary parents are attempting to force her to see filed a affidavit supporting the parents' motion to hold Rifqa in contempt of court. How could this counselor be remotely neutral?

But wait a second - haven't all the media stooges in this case, from Meredith "Hijab" Heagney of the Columbus Dispatch to Michael Kruse of the St. Petersburg Times, insisted that the Bary family intends to respect Rifqa's Christian faith? Haven't these media stooges repeated assurances from the Bary parents that Rifqa has nothing to fear from returning home?

Don't expect these damaging revelations about the parents' duplicity to be reported in the Columbus Dispatch, friends. Behind the veil of sealed court motions the true face of Mohamed and Aysha Bary is being revealed. Her parents have defamed Christians who have attempted to help their daughter flee their abuse; they have filed criminal charges against Rifqa accusing her of being a delinquent; and now they ask the Ohio courts to ban and seize Rifqa's Christmas cards and to force her to see a Muslim counselor that has demonstrated his own partiality. What this long sequence of events clearly shows is that Rifqa Bary has much to fear from being returned to her parents and that they have no intention to honor her personal religious choices.

Hopefully, the courts will recognize what's going on in this case and dispense justice, not political correctness.


Always On Watch said...

What is happening here?

Generally speaking, children over the age of 13 have certain freedoms in America, particularly some access to freedom of religion. The age of accountability and all that.

Rifqa is being persecuted.

And I simply cannot imagine that a teenaged convert to Islam would be treated in such a manner, particularly with a court involved.

Damien said...


Given what CAIR really is, its not shocking that they would try to do this, what will be shocking is if the Court goes alone. I hope the judge refuses to give in to their demands. Their goal is force Rifqa to renounce Christianity any way they can, or if they can't do that, silence her, or make it so no one will take her seriously, not help her, that's the last thing they want to do.

Pastorius said...

At the age of 17, most kids would be rendered some sort of hearing about Emancipation.

Anonymous said...

One of the comments at Jawa appears to reveal the Bary's strategy - which does not bode well, Catch 22, if you will, for Rifqa:

Quoting Didactus: " . . .
BTW, as I understand it the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act has one huge loophole that allows "status" offender -- children who break laws that apply only to minors (like truancy or running away from home) -- to be jailed with juveniles convicted of violent crimes. That loophole is precisely "contempt" convictions. So Rifqa could end up in a cell with kids who rob people with a gun or who stabbed someone with a knife in anger.

Another question is if with [could] such conviction could affect Rifqa's naturalization efforts[?]. Perhaps the Barys do intend to return to Sri Lanka and hope to criminalize Rifqa in order to get her deported soon after she turns 18? Not sure about naturalization laws here.
. . ."

In addition to Rifqa's case being moved back to Ohio - [Ohio] a state which does not have 'emancipation' laws - a 'contempt' conviction appears to present yet another legal oportunistic loophole for enabling the Bary's ultimate honor motive.

Pastorius said...

I understand that she is being held in "Contempt of Court", but I honestly do not understand why.

Contempt of Court is usually handed down by a judge for misbehavior WITHING THE COURT SETTING.

I know of nothing Rifqa has done which would warrant such a charge.