Tuesday, December 01, 2009

"The U.S has made some progress with the Chinese and the Indians Over the Past Couple of Weeks

The Chinese and the Indians would beg to differ. As would Brazilians and South Africans. Maybe they believe the emails. . .

(someone better tell Gibbs before he looks even stupider. . .)

India Times:

Copenhagen conference: India, China plan joint exit
Saibal Dasgupta, TNN 28 November 2009

BEIJING: In an unprecedented move, India on Saturday joined China and two other developing countries to prepare for a major offensive on rich nations at the Copenhagen conference on climate change next month.

The four countries, which include Brazil and South Africa, agreed to a strategy that involves jointly walking out of the conference if the developed nations try to force their own terms on the developing world, Jairam Ramesh, the Indian minister for environment and forests (independent charge), said.

“We will not exit in isolation. We will co-ordinate our exit if any of our non-negotiable terms is violated. Our entry and exit will be collective,” Ramesh told reporters in Beijing.

The move comes after reports suggested that rich nations led by Denmark are trying to set the agenda of the conference by presenting a draft containing a set of specific proposals.

The BASIC countries-Brazil, South Africa, India and China- decided to throw the gauntlet at rich nations by coming up with a counter-draft that will be presented at the conference. They agreed to let China, which initiated the exercise, to present the draft of the developing nations at Copenhagen.

“This BASIC draft fully meets India’s goals and aspirations. We hope it is made the basis of discussions at the conference,” Ramesh said.

The draft, which was originally prepared by China, was finalized after some changes during a 7-hour long meeting of BASIC countries-Brazil, South Africa, India and China besides Sudan as the chair of G-77.

This joint front forged on Saturday is a major political initiative -- the first major India-China accord on international affairs--that is likely to impact not just the dimension of the talks on climate change but international diplomacy as a whole. The move comes after recent discussions on climate change held with Indian and Chinese leaders by US president Barack Obama, who appears to have made little impact on them.

Denmark is expected to unveil its draft to a group of select countries that includes the United States, several European nations, India and China on December 1. It will be later presented at the conference. Around the same time, the BASIC nations plan to circulate their own counter-draft in order to influence the course of negotiations.

The four nations issued a joint press release, which made it clear the developed nations should be ready to contribute funds and share green technology if they expected the developing and poor nations to take major actions on environmental protection.

The four countries and the chair of G-77 said they were keen to make a “contribution towards a consensus in Copenhagen”.

The release said: “We are in agreement on major issues including those relating to the establishment of a second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol, as well as shared vision for long term cooperative action on climate change, mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, adaptation to the impact of climate change, and the provision of finance and technology to support and enable these actions, taking into account the special needs of the least developed countries, the small island developing states and African countries.”

The United States, which refused to endorse the Kyoto Protocol on climate change, might find it difficult to handle the new onslaught mounted by four developing nations including India and China. They are demanding an extension of the Kyoto Protocol.

In fact, there are serious questions on whether US president Barack Obama will keep his promise of attending the Copenhagen conference on climate change next month to avoid pressures to accept a “second commitment period under the Kyoto Protocol”. Obama recently met both Chinese leaders and Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in order to soften the stance of developing nations and avoid exactly the kind of situation that is now emerging.

Besides the elements of the Kyoto Protocol, there are “significant new features” in the draft proposal worked out by BASIC countries-Brazil, South Africa, India and China-at a meeting here on Saturday, Jairam Ramesh, minister of state for environment and forest said.

These countries have decided not to allow rich nations to make climate change an excuse to set up trade barriers or resort to trade protectionism. Rich countries should be ready to contribute funds for stopping the process of forest degradation including the one in Amazon valley in Brazil and also invest in the process of creating new forests.

The developing nations will also not accept any pressure from developed countries to establish legally binding emission targets at Copenhagen. Developing countries want to be allowed to reduce emissions voluntarily and take what they consider to be “nationally appropriate actions” he said.

Ramesh said India will under no circumstances accept the concept of a peaking year under which each country will have to indicate on what date they will reach the highest level of pollution before beginning to come down.

India will also not accept any unsupported mitigation actions without any effort by developed countries to provide funds and technology support to improve environment in developing nations.

New Delhi has also set its face against any international measurement, reporting and verification of the work done in India for environment protection.

The Indian minister said that China, Brazil and South Africa were also in agreement on these issues.


Gramfan said...

I damn well hope someone puts an end to this madness.

Wealth re-distribution gone crazy.

IPCC and KYOTO were set up my Maurice Strong whose goal it was to destroy the west and limit populations.

It sounds like a conspiracy theory because it really is.
Have known this for some time, didn't believe it, but now I can see the pieces falling into the puzzle.

Copenhagen and Agenda 21 will be the end of our freedom. May as well not even vote any more.

Pastorius said...

I had never heard of Maurice Strong before.

Here's what I found on Wikipedia:


Maurice F. Strong, PC, CC, OM, FRSC (born April 29, 1929, in Oak Lake, Manitoba) is one of the world’s leading proponents of the United Nations' involvement in world affairs. Supporters consider him one of the world's leading environmentalists. Secretary General of both the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment, which launched the world environment movement, and the 1992 Earth Summit and first Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Strong has played a critical role in globalizing the environmental movement.[1]

When on the initiative of Sweden the U. N. General Assembly decided to convene the first major United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm in 1972, popularly known as "Stockholm" among environmentalists, UN Secretary-General U Thant invited Strong to lead it as Secretary-General of the Conference.[6]

As preparations for the Stockholm Conference, in 1971, Strong commissioned a report on the state of the planet. Entitled “Only One Earth: The Care and Maintenance of a Small Planet” [7], co-authord by Barbara Ward and Rene Dubos. The report summarized the findings of 152 leading experts from 58 countries in preparation for the first UN meeting on the environment, held in Stockholm in 1972. This was the world's first "state of the environment" report.

The Stockholm Conference put the environment issue on the international agenda and confirmed its close link with development. It led to the establishment by the UN General Assembly in December 1972 of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), with headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, and the election of Strong to head it. UNEP was the first UN agency to be headquartered in a developing nation. [8] As head of UNEP, Strong convened the first international expert group meeting on climate change.[9]

The World Commission on Sustainable Development

Maurice Strong was one of the commissioners of the World Commission on Environment and Development, set up as an independent body by the United Nations in 1983. Chaired by Gro Harlem Brundtland, then Prime Minister of Norway, its brief was to re-examine the critical environmental and development problems on the planet and formulate realistic proposals to solve them. Strong played a key role in ensuring that the work of the Commission was open, visible and participatory. The Commission held Public Hearings, where senior government representatives, scientists and experts, researchers, representatives of non-governmental organizations and the general public openly expressed their concerns and submitted their views and advice on issues of common concerns. It was a new departure for the UN system.[14]


Pastorius said...

Ah, here's an interesting contradiction in his life:

Becoming an entrepreneur

Deciding that he wanted to do something on his own, he took over a very small and failing natural gas company, Ajax Petroleums, and built it into what became one of the leading companies in the industry, Norcen Resources. This attracted the attention of one of Canada’s principal investment corporations with extensive interests in the energy and utility businesses, Power Corporation of Canada. It appointed him initially as its Executive Vice President and then President of Power Corporation of Canada in 1961 through 1966. His position at Power Corporation attracted national interest which enabled his views on Canada’s role in the world to be heard.

Failed business activities

Strong’s business activities which were always designed to support his public service interests were not always successful. Two companies, with which he was associated, Molten Metals Technology Inc[21] and Cordex Petroleum[22] ended in bankruptcy. Strong and his family were major losers in both of these, but their losses have been more than balanced by the success of most of the businesses with which he has been associated.

Gramfan said...

Strong has always kept a low profile but in fact he is really like a James Bond villain.
He has connections to Gore and Soros also.

Canada Free Press has had a lot of stuff on him which I sadly no longer have the links to.

He has also written a book called something like "Where on earth are we Going?" We have it at home.
He is not secretive in explaining his intentions.


Ezra Levant has been onto him for a while.

This is from CFP:

You may know I post at Doc Bulldog and Ronin's site and have posted similar items there.

The UN is totally after world govt.

I'm short of time today, but there's some food for thought for you.

Pastorius said...


I will post on him sometime soon.