Tuesday, December 01, 2009

A Chance For Moderate Swiss Muslims To Prove Me Wrong

With the referendum to ban minarets passing with 57% of the population in favor of it, the whole of the West has gone crazy.

"What are Muslims going to think?", "How can we do this to Muslims? Muslims are not going to be happy about this." "We are Europeans and this is against European values." Blah blah blah.

What about the responsibility of Muslims as citizens of Switzerland? Why is everyone so bent on making Muslims happy? How about Muslims compromise for a change?

These Muslims say they are citizens of Switzerland and so should be given equal rights (which they are). Now, because they are citizens of Switzerland, technically, they are Europeans and as Europeans they should respect the decision of the majority of the people in that country.

This is the time for Muslims in Switzerland to prove that they are Swiss and have European values, that they have assimilated. Muslims have a chance here to prove it loud and clear that they are moderate Muslims who have come to Europe to become Europeans and not to make Europe Muslim. Muslims need to shut up and accept this democratic decision. Muslims have to prove that their loyalty is to Europe and European idea of democracy, rather than to the long dead and awaited Islamic caliphate and Shariah law.

My eyes are on Muslims. Let's see how they react to this. They can prove me wrong this time by just shutting up and accepting this decision respectfully. I think they are going to make a fuss about it. I think they will complain. I think they will whine but if they don't then I will accept that there are moderate Muslims that we can count on while we fight Islamic terrorism. Right now, I think there isn't a single Muslim that I would be able to trust.

I hope they change my opinion. I am not very confident about it though.

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