Tuesday, December 01, 2009

When you think think you are being paranoid, generally you are not paranoid enough

Iran is not going to build
10-12 new nuclear processing facilities, people ..

IBD Editorials:

Terror State: A dithering world has for years underestimated the costs of appeasement toward Iran. Tehran's aggressive plans for 10 new nuclear plants show they want dominance, not just a bomb or two.

To any informed observer, it's no surprise that Iran is now collecting its 10-to-1 winnings in the high-stakes game Tehran's Islamofascist government has been playing with the free world for years now.


They are not going to BUILD 10 new nuke processing facilities.

They ARE built

They ARE operating

It's just that with the discovery of the Qum facility, and the now unarguable fact they are lying, taqiya laden genocidal sons of bitches, they are making sure they can say they TOLD US SO before the rest of these facilities are 'discovered'.

Why on earth do think their attitude, is and has been that the west can't do a damned thing?


Anonymous said...

Awesome. Guess Obama's wishes are going to come true sooner than we thought.

Pastorius said...

What evidence is there that they are built?

And, how did our surveillance miss the building of 10 nuclear power plants in the land of a dangerous enemy?

Epaminondas said...

It's my judgment based on who these guys are.

There is no way you thumb your nose that way .. not at Netanyahu.

They're done.
They believe they are protected, and they don't believe Israel can take them all out, and unless Israel DOES they have achieved NOTHING. They also KNOW Obama is going to do SQUAT.

How did we miss it?
How did we miss the plant in Syria?
How did we miss Pakistan building a STOCKPILE years before testing a nuke?
How did we miss Qum?
How did we miss the Chinese building an SLBM base near Qingdao inside a mountain until they broke into the bay (at which point it was FINISHED)?

Eventually we find out one way or another, but sometimes it doesn't matter when we do, if it's a fait accompli.

Pastorius said...

Good points about how we missed it.

Speaking of which, answer me this queestion:

What would stop Iran from putting a nuke on a passenger airliner flying out of Iran into Europe?

Pastorius said...

What would stop Iran from doing the same thing on one of Ahmadinejad's flights into NYC to speak at the UN?

midnight rider said...

You might recall there was actually serious fear of that on his trip to the U.N. 2 or 3 years ago.

Pastorius said...

Well, I recall Reliapundit bringing it up, and I think I posted it here.

However, I don't recall anyone else discussing that possibility. Do you?

midnight rider said...

That may be where I saw it. I don't remember anymore.