Thursday, January 07, 2010

And, Barack And Michelle Think America Is a Racist Country?

Check this out. Here's a KFC Commercial from Australia:

Now, here's another fried chicken commercial from Korea:

Wow. Just wow.

Where would Koreans get the idea that black people can be tamed by tossing them fried chicken? And, what is the point of this commercial? That a wise Korean should take KFC with him when he vacations on islands which might contain wild black natives?


Who came up with this shit?

h/t Discarded Lies


Damien said...


Yeah the second one is pretty racist, I gotta admit. But I don't think that the chicken being advertised in that commercial is KCF, it looks like some Korean brand.

Pastorius said...

Thanks for pointing that out, Damien.

Damien said...


You're welcome. I just thought I should point that out in KCF's defense since its not their commercial. I don't know if they even sell KCF in South Korea, but they probably do, since I heard about a KCF in Vietnam of all places once.

Damien said...


By the way, did you get my email alerting you to Citizen Warrior's action alert on Geert Wilders? Its pretty important.

Anonymous said...

I don't see racism demonstrated in either one. For the Korean ad, being closer to New Zealand, it is more likely a play on Māori cannibalism. Don't be hyper sensitive.